I have a problem I'd like some advice on. I need a way to get the text from an option tag, not just the value. I saw a discussion about somelike like it here: <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4641962/getting-an-option-text-value-with-javascript" rel="nofollow">http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4641962/getting-an-option-text-value-with-javascript</a> Unfortunately I'm not proficient with javascript and I don't know if it will work in a Roll20 character sheet in any case. What I have is something like this: <select name="attr_actionmod"/>
<option value="0" selected="selected">Stat?</option>
<option value="@{strmod}">STR</option>
<option value="@{dexmod}">DEX</option>
<option value="@{conmod}">CON</option>
<option value="@{intmod}">INT</option>
<option value="@{wismod}">WIS</option>
<option value="@{chamod}">CHA</option>
<button type="roll" name="roll_Test" value="&{template:test} {{rollname=@{actioname}}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{stat=[[ option_user_selection ]]}} {{roll=[[2d6 + @{actionmod}]]}}"></button>
What I need is for the "stat" property of the template to output the text of the option the user selected, i.e. "STR" or "DEX", etc. If this is possible, how would I accomplish it? Detailed advice will be greatly appreciated.