I was thinking about using one of Dyson Logos maps (from his blog, <a href="https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/" rel="nofollow">https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/</a> ). Those maps are very nicely tailored for something like roll20, as they are small, high contrast, and pre-gridded (which is nice for getting them aligned). The problem, though, comes in with some of his maps (particularly the iso maps) where paths tend to wind up and down, over and under, each other. For a good example of an iso map that does this, you can check out <a href="https://rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/" rel="nofollow">https://rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/</a>... . For a non-iso map that does this, you can check out the kobold circuit ( <a href="https://rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/" rel="nofollow">https://rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/</a>... ). The problem, as I see it, is how would one set this up in roll 20? I see a few options: 1) Using dynamic lighting: Make multiple copies of the image, cropping them apart, one for each level/section, and set up the DL on each image. Then move the players around (either across pages, or across "areas"/boundaries on the roll 20 map). The main drawbacks here are the set-up time required, and the in game hassle of having PCs spatially disjointed from one another when they may not be disjointed in game. The best that I can come up with for doing this is to make all iso maps non-iso and slice each level. 2) Use fog of war to hide sections of the map, forgoing the niceness of dynamic lighting. You could fiddle with it as people walk around the map and try to make it "seem better" by not revealing certain places when they're below/above. This seems like it would end up being fairly cumbersome, and you'd still get odd displays of tunnels crossing over other tunnels and the like. 3) Don't use a map and just narrate the whole thing. When a map becomes relevant, start drawing the relevant pieces in real time in roll20. Biggest drawback to this is that the players don't get to see the cool artwork (also drawing things take time away from the flow of everything, so I could, again, preslice/predraw sections of the map) 4) Reveal the whole map from the start (no thanks). Any thoughts / tips on this? My ideal would make the most utilization of the fact that the map already exists, allowing me to focus on encounter design more while also maintaining the surprise of a hidden map.