Hi, I'm trying to create a macro for a PC spell list following the instructions in this discussion <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/4899820/spell-bo" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/4899820/spell-bo</a>...
The macro should list the spells names by level and give the possibility to players to click on that name to get the description. So I've tried different solutions, but I'm not able to get the right one. Pls, like those children's books where you have to complete a sentence with the right word, can you give me a hand to complete my macro? &{template:default}{{name=**@{selected|token_name}'s Spells List}}{{Cantrips=[@{repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spellname}](...)}}
I've tried this but it doesn't work: &{template:default}{{name=**@{selected|token_name}'s Spells List}}{{Cantrips=[@{repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spellname}](%{repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spell)}}}