Omegaman said: I like clicking on my NPCs traits and action buttons in Keithcurtis' Utility script to see the notes about how they work and what they will do, but I don't want my players to see all that info. I just want my players to see the rolls we do during combat, but for me I would like to click on the traits and see how the acid poison works or see what the details of that manticore attack are without spilling the beans to the players. On that same vein. I would like to be able to hide the results of some ability checks from the players. Like when they make a stealth roll, I would like that to be unknown to them. How would I go about doing this?? Thank you so much (please use small words and pretend I don't know a lot about computers) Okay, this is how I do this: you want to go to the "hide info" box on the settings page of the sheet, and hide those things you want to hide (ability checks, freetext, content at least). Then install the Stylish extension for your browser and add this code for .sheet-gm-info-block {
display: block !important;
.sheet-gm-info-inline-block {
display: inline-block !important;
.sheet-gm-info-flex {
display: flex !important;
Result: your players will not be able to see those parts of the roll template for which you have turned hiding on. (They could in theory install the same CSS to see it as well, you need to trust your players to not do that). They will still see titles of traits and such; if you don't want that, another option would be to switch whispering on and off before/after the roll. Or build your own macros(but I don't recommend that, it's too much work). EDIT: alternative would be to make a /talktomyself button that you press before inspecting any traits for yourself or rolling stuff that needs to be secret. You just need to remember to do it every time.