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4 new players looking for experienced dm to show us the ropes

hello to whoever is reading this we are four guys in our 20s looking for a dm who knows the game and can show us the ropes please know what you are doing we are open to playing any sort of system preferably reg dnd or dark herasy but open to change we are willing to play almost any night of the week just post on here with your skype contact details and when we can get hold of you have a nice day/night arron
Just as a tip, it helps to let people know what version of DnD you want to play as well as what time zone everyone is in.
like i said any version of dnd will do open to learning new things and we are in central time usa
I will most likely not have time until next year but I feel like I can still respond. Are you looking for someone to just show you how RP is done or are you looking for a GM for a campaign?
ha guys do you mind if i join in as a 5th new guy i dont know what im doing too and i wouldn't mind leaning with some other new guys so i dont feel like a total idiot im also in my 20s (24)
It would also be helpful if you could tell us what Timezone you are in.
as to the riddler's question we are looking for a gm for a campaign i personally am gonna dm after i get some experience with the game itself and as i said in an earlier post we are in cst united states. as for postmans question i dont think they would mind we are all pretty cool about new people and depending on how big a group whatever dm we have wants to run i dont see a problem with it
Wow you guys! That's both a huge opportunity and a huge responsibility to ask someone to take on. From being around these forums awhile I can tell you that there are many different styles of GM and not all are compatible. I personally do not have the time or energy to take on your group, but I feel I must make a few recommendations so early in your gaming career, so you know there's more than one way it's done... The primary two "schools of thought" that tend to prevail our game are "Role-Playing" and "Roll-Playing." Some people want to be the ultratough barbarian with the strength of two men and a whole host of combat abilities to tear through an army. That style of gaming is not for me and my group. We tend to be very combat-light with a whole host of our time spent actually trying to act as our characters. The other two sided thing I see is "Rules-Heavy" vs "Rules-Light." D&D is traditionally a very rules-heavy system. Lots of material to study and lots of combinations of rules upon rules upon rules. Again, this is not my group's style of play. We tend towards rules-light systems as much as possible. As well, where it suits us, we just rewrite the rules. Savage Worlds is a system that seems to particularly lends itself to this. As you get your feet wet, decide what you like, and don't let anyone else tell you that your style of wanting to do things is invalid. That being said, in game, your GM's word is final. Also, to the community -- these guys don't know enough to know what you're asking regarding the various rulesets of D&D. They wouldn't know 3.5 vs Pathfinder, and probably don't have the first clue what materials you'd need them to familiarize themselves with before hand. Sounds like they don't care, they just want to dive in somewhere and get a taste for it. Best of luck, guys!

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Hey, I am an experienced DM, 47, who has been in on running D&D since 1979. I have taught lots of people (multiple dozens) in my local area, to both play and how to run AD&D "Old Skool" versions and style. So if you guys are brand new, and are willing to play 2nd Edition AD&D, (I am seeking to go once every two weeks because I have a group that plays here already with me as GM on opposite weeks) If that's cool, we can go step by step. If not, there are other DMs around. I'm currently putting together an AD&D 2nd edition game. This rules set came out about 1996 time frame. So no feats from 3rd edition. I already have one other player interested. He's also new. It is going to be set in a war torn area combined with religious strife. I am writing the history and backstory for the campaign and doing maps. Characters would be leaders of guilds, noble houses, and lords of small plots of land (like warlords) using a plug in called Birthright for 2nd editions' rules but with my own setting. I am looking to start running it on maybe the 21 December. Looking at SATURDAYS, 3 PM EST or later. I also play and run lots of other games, and could teach. Huge list almost anything out there. Let me know.

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Two guys not from this thread saw this thread and have PM'ed me, and are interested in the above. I will make it an official teaching campaign, for "New to AD&D 2e Players." Putting up the LFG ad.
thanks so much for the posts guys, i am sorta the leader of our group and i know more than them as to different dnd styles of play, and core rules. i have been catching them up on what books to look at, and some of the known core rules. they are completely new whereas i have been trying to get into this for a long time. james j. i will be pming you as that is a very cool system we are willing to learn anything really and saturdays past 3 is an amazing time i will be re-posting this in a pm to you as well so that i know you will see it, and also thanks so much to shaemus for that awesome post.