Hello all! Long time no post. I am Mutt of Resurgence of the Guild, coming to you with open seats for a pickup game! This will be featuring part of a growing campaign world, a small little facet that I feel is strong enough to stand alone. What you need to know: 1- We use Voice through Discord. 2- I intend to continue the game until majority need to go, or I pass out. It has been a long day after all. 3- Level 9, Standard Fantasy. You are welcome to roll for stats in campaign or come with a stat array. New players, I do NOT mind walking you through making a character, nor do the veterans I have mustered. 4- This is for fun, rule-lawyers look elsewhere. It is one thing to correct a glaring error, another to be an ass about it. 5- Start time is twenty mins from this posting. I may run this again in the afternoon hours tomorrow, we'll see.