The template apparently has built in logic for multi attacks. Unfortunately it makes no sense. This is what it says. Multi Attack Toggles if the following property names contain a numerical toggle they will display additional attacks based on the numeric value that they receive. {multiattacktoggle}, {augmenttoggle}, {augment1multitoggle}, {augment2multitoggle}, {augment4multitoggle}, and {augment6multitoggle} . Here are the Toggle Values that the Template was built for. Multiattacktoggle [[ ?{Number of Attacks 2 to 20|2} ]] Supports up to 20 attacks. Here is what I put in. &`#38;&`#123;template:dnd4epower&`#125; &`#123;&`#123;atwill=1&`#125;&`#125; &`#123;&`#123;name=Burning Hands&`#125;} &`#123;&`#123;target= Close Blast 5(creatures) &`#125;&`#125; &`#123;&`#123;attack= [[1d20+4+?&`#123;bonA&`#124;0&`#125;]] vs reflex&`#125;&`#125;
&`#123;&`#123;multiattacktoggle= [[ ?&`#123Number of Attacks 2 to 20&`#124;2&`#125; ]]&`#125;&`#125;
&`#123;&`#123;hiteffect=[[2d6+4+?&`#123;bonD&`#124;0}]] fire damage.&`#125;}&`#125;} &`#123;&`#123;miss=Half damage.&`#125;&`#125;