Is it possible to give players access to Special things like Status FX API features. Allowing them to be able to draw and cast beams just like the DM?
/fx splatter-blood @{selected|token_id} @{selected|token_id}
/fx glow-blood @{selected|token_id} @{selected|token_id}
/fx bubbling-blood @{selected|token_id} @{selected|token_id}
/fx beam-holy @{selected|token_id}
/fx breath-fire
/fx breath-magic
/fx beam-fire @{selected|token_id}
/fx nova-?{Color|AcidGreen,acid|BloodRed,blood|CharmPink,charm|DeathBlack,death|FireOrange,fire|HolyYellow,holy|MagicCandy,magic|WaterBlue,water} @{selected|token_id}
Joshua Kurz said:
So On the status FX API script, if you trigger it by a status marker would that allow the player to do a direct line to some other place.
If it is a beam-like effect (such as beam, breath, splatter, or a custom effect whose definition has an angle of -1), also enter the vector for the effect's direction in the form[X, Y]
. Beam-like effects can also be given a random vector with[random]