Lor, Nor, and Xhotl have been waiting patiently on the surface for two days when, suddenly, Asteris emerges from the basement of the ruined tower. She explains to the halflings that the party is in desperate straits: Eovan is dead, Malak has contracted a disease from an otyugh they encountered the day before, and Arthas will not leave his fevered companion's side. She begs Lor and Nor to return to the dungeon. The halflings agree to accompany her, and Asteris leads them stealthily to the second level of Under-Miami. The small band keeps their light sources doused so as not to attract attention, but Asteris leads them unerringly through the dark. Lor has the impression that they travel across a rickety bridge, down a long flight of stairs, and past some faint circus music, before the half-celestial says that it is safe to expose their light sources. The halflings find themselves in a large chamber with black walls, inscribed with dozens of murals. Asteris approaches one bas-relief, a convex wall covered in skulls, and knocks. The skulls' eyes slide open, revealing a secret room where the party has spent the night. Elaryan uses dimension door to teleport himself into the engraved room, and the four (Elaryan, Lor, Nor, and Asteris) set out to further explore the area. Asteris is sure that they are close to finding a portal home. The group begins by further examining the nearby silver lattice. They discover that it is electrified; Lor has a spell that will protect him from the current, but it will take him several minutes to prepare it. Before he can complete his prperations, howrver, a pair of wandering painted men stumble across the party. Lor, Nor, and Elaryan flee down a second passage, while Asteris stays behind to hold the door closed. The heroes retreat to the large room whose walls are covered with man-sized cylinders. After some experimentation, they discover that the control panel can be used to open the cylinders. The companions begin to systematically open them one-by-one; most are empty, but one contains a disoriented human named Roy Nelson. Roy claims that he is from a town named "Pittsburg", and that his last memory was of being drunk in a place called "Las Vegas". He is concerned about his friends Jimmy and Frank, who were with him in Las Vegas, and whom the party suspect may be in other cylinders. Unfortunately, before the adventurers can investigate all of the tanks, they are ambushed by a necromantic midget and his two blade zombies. A fierce battle ensues, during which Asteris returns and Roy is grievously wounded. The party is eventually victorious; they slay the zombies, and the necromancer retreats. Worried that the voduin little person is gathering reinforcements, the companions leave hastily in the opposite direction. They are navigating an unfamiliar corridor when, suddenly, stone lurkers spring from the walls and floors. This battle does not go as well as the previous one-- Roy is slain, Elaryan is disabled, and both magic-users find themselves low on spells. Still, they press on. Coming around a corner, they find that they have navigated all the way back to eight-way intersection at the entrance to the second-level. Choosing an unexplored direction, the battered party traverses a short, twisting hallway to a barred door decorated by three severed, decaying heads mounted on spikes. Nor uses his erosive touch to reduce the door to splinters. On the other side is Fat Grundle , a grotesquely over-sized painted man, 9’ tall and weighing five hundred pounds. Fat Grundle is naked except for a large viper that he wears like a shawl; he drinks from a frothing mug the size of Lor. And he doesn't seem too happy that the halflings have just destroyed his bedroom door... Everyone who played gains 2,500 XP