We're turning the tables for Roll20CON. 8-) Join our Reverse Dungeon game & play as the monsters for once! See the dungeon in a new point of view. You'll play as a Displacer Beast, Grell, Ogre, or a pack of Bullywugs. 16 Last Year Now we have 42 different monsters to choose from . More of the playable monsters are listed below if you read carefully. :) DAY: Saturday June 23, 2018 for Roll20CON online gaming convention! Saturday June 24, 2017 Last Year START TIME: Any time after 5pm GMT (UK). This is 1pm Eastern USA. Early arrivers please hang out and chat about D&D all day. Late arrivals are welcome too and you can still play! No kidding. As long as we're still online, you can join and start playing. Just show up and enter the tabletop whenever you can play on Saturday. We're flexible, and will make room for everyone who wants to play. Maybe we can set a record high number of players? The Tavern record last year was 17 people in the game at the same time. The Player names wrapped onto 3 rows at the bottom. SIGN UP: We have at least 9 slots open for players on Saturday. Probably more like 16 slots. Heck let's get 42 slots. Reply here if you want to reserve your spot to play! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18... More Info: LFG page for anyone applying to join the AD&D 2E Tavern group for the first time: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/7880/roll2e-tav" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/7880/roll2e-tav</a>... Discord voice communication link for talking during the game: <a href="https://discord.gg/dWQrWXN" rel="nofollow">https://discord.gg/dWQrWXN</a> Game Details page with Forum for members: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/183075/ro" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/183075/ro</a>... Game System: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (originally published 1989). You do not need to know any rules for this one-shot game. Wow! Everything is set-up so it's easy to play. You just need to express an interest in AD&D 2E. New Players Welcome! New players of Roll20 or new players of D&D. Characters are monsters pregenerated with bio + stats + macros, choose from 16 42 choices: You don't need to bring a character for this. Players can choose from 42 pre-generated monstrous characters we made to fit the theme and scenario of the one-shot. Theme: "Reverse Dungeon". What if the players played the monsters, and the DM's control the adventurers? You'll get to choose from famous mid-level D&D monsters like the Cloaker, Xorn, Carrion Crawler, a pack of Skeletons, or play a Wraith. Meet Saturday for Roll20CON in our open-table 2E Tavern game. We are playing a Reverse Dungeon! You get to play the monsters. :) Can you join just to observe? Yes, if you don't want to play today but you still want to join a Tavern that is all about playing AD&D 2E. 5 More Reasons to Join the 2E Tavern and Play Today for Roll20CON: Get the "Representative" Achievement added to your Roll20 Profile (pictured at right from my Profile), just for joining the Tavern and entering the game tabletop, because we have more than 100 Players in the group. Help us get the most players in the 2E Tavern that we've ever had at once. We hit a record with 14 17 last year. There is room for all Tavern members to enter! Let's try to get 16 players playing monsters this year. Be a part of the day Roll20 has the website's largest number of simultaneous players yet. Play a short one-shot adventure quest in-game with DM Gold and DM Tyler, possibly others like GARGAMOND and AuldDragon. Extend your adventuring by meeting other Players and DM's. Feel free to make arrangements, pitch your game openings and availability, and spin-off your own game groups from this. New AD&D gaming groups frequently form amongst the Tavern membership. Because, in D&D that's what Taverns are for! Any questions? Read the Post, click on our LFG, or Reply here. Reply here with general questions or Post on the Tavern's forums if you're keen to join and play. Happy adventuring! Let's match the Theme of 2018 Roll20CON by encouraging kindness and ensuring incusivity. Best wishes to all for Roll20CON benefitting Cybersmile through Donations. -- Your Tavern proprietor and Dungeon Master, GOLD p.s. To apply for a slot in this, just reply to this message expressing your interest in AD&D 2E and the Reverse Dungeon game for Roll20CON. I will make sure you get a spot to play.