So I'm running the Pathfinder AP Curse of the Crimson Throne. We need one player to fill an open spot and become part of this group. Game times are 8PM Eastern on Monday evenings. Applicants should understand they're expected to not flake out, so if availibility is a maybe, this isn't the game for you. I know it sounds callous, but I really have no paitence for people who flake and miss sessions with no word at all. The group are good guys and I think the adventure is an interesting one. Applicants should pick up and read the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide (it's free), and I would suggest reading up on the Guide to Korvosa, as that is the primary setting, and characters should reflect that. The party makeup consists of a Life Oracle, Conjuration Wizard, Dual Weapon Ranger, and Rogue, and a 25 point buy. You can contact me via PM, or more directly on Skype as Askren- Also there may be a make-up session sometime during this week.