With the API, I add multiple fluffy wings with the digits for the elevation. There's a Fly script that makes that easy, and also array notation for status markers in TokenMod. Requires a Pro subscription. Another option is dragging a rolled die onto the table next to the token and setting it's face to the elevation. You need to have Enable Advanced Dice turned on in the settings panel (pretty sure it's on by default), then you can issue a roll command like: /roll 1d20 Which will produce a d20 icon in the chat. Grab it and drag it onto the board, producing a Rollable Table Token for a 20 sided die. Right click it and choose Multi-sided -> Choose Side, then adjust to a number between 1 and 20 representing your elevation. (See: <a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/Collections#Using_a_Rolla" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/Collections#Using_a_Rolla</a>... ) Color is controlled by your current player color, so you can temporarily adjust it to get a different colored die representing up/down, or ones/tens, etc.