This is very short notice and I wish I could have done it days ago, but the player I had lined up could not commit, so I am in the market for a player to fill the 5th spot in my RotRL group going forward. Basic details: This is a very roleplay-oriented group, where character interaction and development is a fairly large aspect. If you're not completely comfortable with first-person roleplaying, and a lot of it, this isn't for you. That's my primary concern, is finding a good roleplayer who is easy to get along with, the group is very easygoing. The games are Sundays at 7PM EST, and attendance is my biggest interest. No flakes, please. The group is still level 1, there's no real plot that's been missed, so we can work out a character and get you playing quickly. Also we use Skype group call for voice. No text. The best way to reach me is via Skype as Askren- . I check PMs, but Skype is a better chance of me getting to you. Again, I know it's sudden, but I only get word of these things last minute, so I'm working with what I have.