Asaram said: First off, you can change your "show" name in your profile settings you know, no need to create a new account ;) Second off, I don't know of any right now but I know of several things I can give you a heads up on. The LFG forums, post there, usually there's a one timer going every few days. Second off, there's the Looking for Group section, not sure how many one-shots are available there though. As for good systems to start out with, not sure, depends on what you want to play really :) So, tell us, high fantasy (dragons and wizards), low fantasy (Game of Thrones), sci-fi, modern (as in set in modern times), dark fantasy (vampires, werewolves, whatever, monsters and horror really) or... what else? :) I enjoy many types of Fantasy, but High fantasy seems like the
easiest to start out with. And I have seen a few one timers in the
looking for groups but most of them require knowledge of the game before
hand, even the ones for new players. I willing to learn it's just when I
look up online resources I'm lost on what I should read and not read.