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Tomb of Annihilation DM wanted (Wed or Sat 1-5pm Est +/-)

Hello everybody!  Some friends of mine and I are looking for an experienced GM (who might even preordered the book on Roll20 for maps etc. :D) to play the upcoming 5e adventure with us. We are 4-5 people (4 100%, 5th might join we will know soon) that are playing together on Roll20 for nearly 2 years, so no fighting, running off or anything like that stress. :) We usually use Skype for voice. The time would be as written either Wednesdays 1-5 PM eastern or Saturday (we are a little bit more open here with the time). We are players from different timezones (Netherlands, Germany and eastern/central US) but that was never a problem for us. We play in english, voice only. We all have multiple years of experience with D&D and Pathfinder and played multiple campaigns (I just DMed Storm Kings Thunder for them, one of our players had a Homebrew campaign last year). Would be nice if the released books are allowed (races, classes etc. from Volo, Scag,...), UA is up to discussion (I know it can break balancing easy, no must have for us. If allowed we would ofc be open to adjustments for balancing reasons! We do it all the time ourselves. :) ). If you are interested in joining us we would be happy. There is still some time to release to get a session 0 and see it if would fit. We are looking forward to any interested dungeon master. :)
I am a bit experienced Dm and would not mind finding a steady group to hang with
Shot you a PM. :)
If your still looking: I'm an experienced GM (10+ years), but have limited experience on Roll20 and looking to get the practice. I generally run 'theater of the mind' style of games however and tend to avoid battle maps (still take full advantage of tokens/images/music etc). I'm fine with UA (except maybe Mystic) & the two classes Matt Mercer's from CritRolls done. I'm in Ontario/Canada so I cannot do midday wed, however Saturdays I actually prefer early morning EST 6 or 7am (before my kids wake up) which I think may be more favorable to Europe players.  The only restriction for me as DM is having everyone on webcam, I find it makes running the overall game smoother, less people talking over one another. If your interested shoot me a PM, otherwise good luck in your search and game, TOA is looking to be a real fun release!