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Currency - Y u no disclose?


Edited 1502995348
API Scripter
Currency isn't disclosed on the market place, I have no idea it's in american....until i get my credit card bill and it's almost  3 times the price due to exchange so a $4.99 package is actually $11.99.  Pretty freaking shocking. What gives, can't you just put USD at the end of it??!?  We're not all Americans.
To be fair - it's obviously an international site with a worldwide audience, which practically always defaults to USD unless specifically stated otherwise. Did roll20 actually mislead you or give you any reason to think otherwise?

Edited 1503058341
API Scripter
I hear what you're saying, but i think the fact that it is in international site makes it even more egregious IMO.  You're saying that it's fair that an entire international community simply assumes a websites currency without any indicators, one way or another? To be honest, we're talking about three letters at the end of the price "USD".  I don't think it's unfair to ask that a currency be disclosed.  There are literally standards for this very purpose. Fairness aside though, it's a poor customer experience, that's easily, and quickly correctable.
I'm saying the entire Internet does it, you simply appear not to have gotten the memo. 
Dennis said: I'm saying the entire Internet does it, you simply appear not to have gotten the memo.  LOL
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
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If currency on a website is not marked for country of origin, it's probably not a good idea to automatically assume anything. You can check in the forums or by sending an email in the case of Roll20. Is it stated in some way that would make you think it referred to your native currency? If so, that would be a complaint worth pursuing.
I mean.... all of the marketplace items have this symbol > $ < in them, as shown above... and... so....
API Scripter
SFX said: all of the marketplace items have this symbol &gt; $ &lt; in them, as shown above... and... I think you're mis-interpreting what you googled there. &nbsp;To quote "The dollar sign ( $ or ) is a symbol primarily used to indicate the various units of currency around the world.". The google reponse you received was stating that USD$ is the united states dollar symbol, just as CDN$ is the canadian dollar symbol. &nbsp;It doesn't mean that "$" automatically means USD$ currency. source: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> keithcurtis said: If currency on a website is not marked for country of origin, it's probably not a good idea to automatically assume anything. You can check in the forums or by sending an email in the case of Roll20. Is it stated in some way that would make you think it referred to your native currency? If so, that would be a complaint worth pursuing. and that is a fair comment. &nbsp;I definitely concede I had assumed it was "my price'.
Forum Champion
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And yeah, the $ symbol is used by many countries. Internally, they never add the country name, but $ can easily be confused for Canadian or Australian dollars, Mexican pesos, and many others. I'm sorry that bit you, Giger. Have you tried emailing the Team to see about a refund?
Looking at two other major VTTs that sell content, they also just use $ with no USD.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
keithcurtis said: And yeah, the $ symbol is used by many countries. Internally, they never add the country name, but $ can easily be confused for Canadian or Australian dollars, Mexican pesos, and many others. I'm sorry that bit you, Giger. Have you tried emailing the Team to see about a refund? As this is essentially a question regarding the financial aspects of the site I would urge you to follow Keith's advice and contact the devs directly using <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, they will be happy to answer any concerns or requests for refunds and who knows (I can't speak for them...) they may even look at adding the USD currency extension for non-US views...? Sounds logical to me... :) Good luck.