The Giant's Beanstalk fell, Cinderella married her prince, Aurora woke up, Beast lost his fur, Red Riding Hood survived the wolf, but all is not well in the Land of Wonders. The land needs a specific type of person, one prophecized from ancient times to do...something, the old hags have forgotten, the text is faded, no one is entirely sure. Only two things are known, they must be from outside the Land and what ever they do it will be big. Over time this person has been known as an Alice. There have been many would-be-Alice's. Red was one such, she did a lot, survived the most vicious killer around, became queen of her own kingdom but unfortunately that is normal these days. So clearly she is not Alice. Jack was also one such would-be-Alice. Tricked a giant, stole a golden goose, a magical harp and caused the deaths of countless people under the beanstalk. This is also not very special anymore. He too is not Alice. Countless Tales, inhabitants of The Land of Wonders have searched for Alice, hoping they can mold the person how they see fit, use them how they wish for their own gains. Unfortunately a group of Would-Be-Alices are going to be dragged into the Land soon. A Prophecy of Alice