2117 AD. An explosion between the dimensions causes a chain
reaction, rupturing the walls between the planes. All ethereal forms of
existence converge onto the Material Realm. Angels, instructed by their new God to eliminate mankind, begin their holy quest to do so. Wars rock
the world as humanity begins to fall. From the shadows emerge other
threats – demons and monsters from the Abyss. The few remaining humans
manage to strike a bargain with the angels, allying themselves against
their mutual enemy. The treaty may be temporary, but it allows the
angels to raise land from the sea and humans to gather on the central
island. They call the new continent Draykon – after the angel that first
created it. Cities and fortresses rose quickly as Draykon was split
into two hemispheres: Daylands to the west and Darklands to the east.
Now the hope of survival grows dimmer as more and more souls are lost.
Within a year the war may be over. But just who will remain standing, if
anyone, none can predict. ------------------------------------------------------------------- We are seeking 1-2 players to help us finish out Phase III of our long-running campaign. Though originally the campaign was based on the Vampire: The Masquerade setting, it has since become a future-set fantasy campaign with technological components. Characters are currently Level 17, and would end at 20 with this campaign's conclusion. There will be at least a few days of roleplaying on the messenger
service Discord before your character will be introduced into the party. This campaign is not about
number-crunching, but about sharing and building a story - and making plenty of friends in the process! Nearly 95% of the campaign direction is handled by Text RP, with live games on Sundays being primarily designated for combat situations. Participation
in text-based roleplaying is required between games. Failure to keep up
with down-time roleplaying will lead to removal from the game. If interested, please respond to the Player Applications below and be sure to include your Discord ID. Thanks, and talk soon! <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/72351/vampire-t" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/72351/vampire-t</a>...