Nice. Yeah, a bit of an edge case (though there are models to go after, from any of the Spidey-symbionts to the classic Cursed Sword to Douglock to Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle to the Red Hood to Brother Eye). It's an interesting twist of a playbook that focuses more on the power, but makes up for it by making it about a relationship (with the Host). You could even try to externalize it -- your character's power is fed by some external source / individual / organization, with their own agenda, vs. something living on/inside of you. Now all of a sudden you can even extend into something vaguely like Thor -- "serve the interests of the Throne of Asgard, or I render you a mere mortal". But, again, it focuses that character away from the team in many ways, which would require some careful balancing in play. All that said and done, the idea that Li'lycia has decided to take over, and wants Jason to continue to expand his / her computing capabilities through technothefts and, eventually, seizing the entire Internet (or, alternately, spreading herself out to trigger the Singularity, with her in charge, even benignly), would have some interesting play to it. But not the direction I think I want to go.