Recap! (Harry recaps the previous issue.) If This Be Reality! Discussing the computer stuff. The AI notes, well, there was a data compromise. Not just the one a few days ago, but a three weeks back. Check that out? The earlier compromise was in the inventory system, back during the Race Day thing. Was something taken? Link and Ghost Girl wander off and do some power / scaring testing. Link comes back in -- and Pneuma reminds him that Agent Waters is still in the lobby ... Link goes after him, over Jason's objections. Pneuma explains that Waters is Link's ... parole officer? counselor? mentor? Waters is here with paperwork for the team, trying to rush it through before AEGIS objects. ("Please don't tell him I said that.") He's "mostly harmless." Jason introduces self to Waters. He apologizes for not reaching out sooner. "Our data was incomplete -- couldn't call, none of our numbers for you work." Here with paperwork to officially create, legally, the team. (Chatters.) Jason stares. Everyone else is kind of staring, too. But ... he has fascinating tie -- a Magic Eye tie? Jason is mesmerized ... Link tells Waters to button up. Jason snaps out of it. Jason demurs over legal paperwork. Waters says, much more firmly, "This is so we don't shoot you." Just a couple of blanks So ... what is the team name? Icons? New Icons? ("No!" say Jason. And GG.) [Retcon in forum conversation .] Jason: "The name that was tossed around was ... the Menagerie?" Waters is ... pointedly avoiding comment. Okay, the other question is, who's the team leader? Pneuma and Waters are pointedly not linking at Link Adam looks at Jason. Jason looks around -- a glance at Link, Harry ... Adam? ... Charlotte? ... he goes and consolidates the pizza. Jason is elected. Jason offers to give Waters his mobile number. Waters gives his (very plain) business card, manually updates the extension and adds in the mobile number. Waters leaves. Call the main office if we need advice. Link: He's dangerous. He brought down my dad. Nobody else could do it. He adds: The tie is designed to draw in super-intelligent people. So, Jason, don't call yourself stupid any more. He's a good guy. Trust him. Jason: I won't actively mistrust him. (Jason: We need to register the domain name. And all variations.) GG: "He's so cute when he's flustered." GG tries to get Link to text that to Ghost Girl. Link hands her his phone. LInk has a lot of texts and tweets pending. "Jason, we need a social media director!" @PowerPony is offline? Vyortovia. Is there a question about reality, or information ... look at the data in the airlock? Review it? GG -- what about my friends? Some of them might know something about it? Supposedly came into existence around 1820. Nominally involved in the Franco-Prussian War. It's an "island nation," but nobody seems to quite know where. GG should know about it, but doesn't. Will go ask her friends. Adam can ask the Universal Concordance folk/thing. But only if told to. The experience kind of crawls into his head, and involves a diagnostic on the planet. Body goes rigid, floats in the air, eyes emit beams, his mouth opens. Three voices chant, "Vyortovia became part of this world July 4, 2015." Which is the day that Byron Quill, et al., were sucked into that dimensional breach at the White House. So did they come out when the others went in? Has reality been changed, or people's memories, or just records? GG: no, nobody in the graveyard heard of Vyortovia. Vyortovia is known for being very technologically advanced ... and esoteric traditions. Magic -- Jason only knows of it from a ritual standpoint. GG: Continues to track down information on Vyortovia. Terry Tucker, prof of International Agriculture and Rural Development. A more recent person, should know more ... but doesn't. GG - Goes on to old stomping grounds. More activity than normal. Not her friends. Stony crack. And yellowish low flash. Armored figure. "THERE YOU ARE." It's been destroying headstones. GG pokes Pneuma's face on Leo's phone. (The threat approaches GG, she floats back.) Tells Pneuma about the threat. Is instructed how to show the image on-camera. "Shall I sound the alarm, then?" "I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BRINGING YOUR CONTAMINATED FRIENDS ..." He's ticked off that the living have had contact with the dead, a taint that will attract the unclean. Into Battle! Harry is gone in a flash. (Regretting all that pizza.) Link isn't there. Seems to have lift a bit ago. Jason runs for the hover-disks, Adam in tow. Link has headed for Otto, and is going after where PowerPony was. They find the cell phone on the street -- locked. "OH, GOOD, ANOTHER ONE." It's a figure in a straitjacket with fleshy/leather tendrils about him. The armored figure creates a ward around the graveyard ... Mercury shows up. GG is affronted by the attacker's rudeness. He has no jurisdiction, so he should just go away. "WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WITH JURISDICTION. ESP. WHEN IT COMES TO THE TAINTED LIVING." Charges Mercury . The lighting about him is playing about the ground. GG tries a mind blast to defend Mercury. She is successful, but takes a powerful blow from that electricity, and fades slightly. Mercury returns the favor, to defend her by wailing on the creature. Link demands to know where PowerPony is. (Threatening banter.) Leathery straps reach out for Link. Otto t-bones into him. KAPOW! Immobilizes him under the car. "WHERE IS SHE?!" Link demands. "We took her to where she will not be poisoned by that Ghost Girl any more." Jason and Concord are swooshing in ... there's a lone, dark figure on the street, entering the cemetary. The figure turn, looks at us, says a word, raises a finger to its temple ... End of Session! Jason -- Takes a Doomtrack (no Alycia work). Grew closer to the Team (Adam) ---> Labels? +Superior -Danger Link -- Grew away from the Team. Jason dissed Waters (and Rossum). Mercury -- Grew closer to the Team (Ghost Girl). --> Labels? +savior -mundane Ghost Girl -- Grew closer to the Team (Harry). --> Labels? +savior -mundane Concord -- Grew into image of self. +Superior, -Savior See you next time, Authentic Adherents!