The Aaron said: Oh, better answer, Kyle! Repeating Section names will always start with repeating_ as that's how it determines what it is. (though it's technically the <fieldset class="repeating_..."> line that creates the section.) IDs in Roll20 will always start with a - until GMT: Wednesday, May 15, 2109 7:35:11.104 AM. They use a UUID (Universal Unique ID) method to generate it based off of time and a random number. The time portion makes up the first 8 characters of the ID, using a modified Base64 encoding method. At the listed milisecond, the front of the ID will transition from '-zzzzzzz' to '0-------'. So in just under 92 years, look out! Oh, that I means I have to fix my scripts that believe all IDs start with a dash within 92 years.