Recap! No recap. Into the Action! We are keeping Ghostheart in an environmental isolation chamber until Agent Waters can come from AEGIS to pick him up. [Note: Jason's "Sanctuary" is defined as having, among other things, "a containment system." It only costs him a doomtrack if he uses it to "solve a problem." I would say that a short detention doesn't count that way, but using it for something bigger and badder, or for longer, or some other way that stretches the systems, would count.] Concord and Link are in there to interrogate him. Ghostheart: "My problem? My problem? That luminous creature [Ghost Girl] is not meant for this world. And when she comes in contact with crude, mundane beings of this world, her quintessence is left on them, like star-stuff, sparkling across mud, diamond dust. And that will attract creatures, magpies of the soul, the size of elephants, of a thunderstorm. I hold no ill will against her ... but it is attracting a Thing here, and when it comes to find her, it will realize what it really wants is humanity. ... She is not the only one now. It will come. Pandemonium. And it will feed." Can we detect it? Only if we're mystically inclined. Concord tries to pierce his mask -- and, with assistance from Leo. He's clearly is suffering from a high number of neuroses (like Haphephobia), but he clearly believes all this and that he could teach someone. Jason suggests we might contact one of the mystic heroes of the city. "There is a prophecy. There have been signs. Also portents . Growing stronger and stronger. Unavoidable. The last 19 months." (Which was about when there was the fight between Dr Infinity and the Earth's Magus.) (When GG came up.) GG suggests to Harry it might be the demons that Ghostheart has been summoning. Ghostheart offers to teach Concord. Which everyone seems nonplussed about. Agent Waters arrives, with company (Matrix-like), five guys. Waters does mention that he finished the paperwork. The other agents look very not-smiling. JQ walks them in. Concord wheels Ghostheart out in a Concord-powered Hannibal-Lecter hand truck. They walk him out. ---- Otto gives PowerPony a ride home. She seems to be handling the kidnapping trauma well. PowerPony and Link exchange text messages. ---- [ADVANCEMENT STUFF] ---- GG wants to go find an expert on all this. But she doesn't want to be alone right now. Link heading back 'cause it's a school night. It's late for Adam. GG asks if Adam needs a ride home. Charlotte offers to go with him. Adam starts to reassure her -- but is interrupted by Mom startled and screaming (which shakes Charlotte, and Adam reflexively transforms to Concord). Charlotte flies off. (Heading back to Jason's pad.) Adam is embarrassed. Jason runs off to have his conversation with Not-Byron . He then goes dumps the rest of the data from the sandbox. Oh, and goes out to pin down domain names around the Menagerie ("Menagerie-a-trois.us"). He gives influence to the Internet. He once again encounters that crazy-stupid-mispelled Jason Quill meme. He gets a lead ... [see below] He also kind of blows off GG and Harry who are conversing in the next room. GG and Harry GG looks upset. GG says she doesn't want to talk about it. Harry offers food. Harry makes a potato chip analogy, comforting her. GG says nice things back to Harry. Comfort and support. And ... they decide to ask Harry's folks about a spooky contact. Jason ... Find some info about headaches, nosebleeds ... also seismic activities ... in a small tourist town outside of Philadelphia. A week. Oscillations in the ionosphere in the area. Sleep pattern disruption. Meteorological shifts. Some sort of artificial manipulation of the electrical fields in a wide area. A connection to that EMP Gun that Alycia (?) stole ... which she's a genius enough to have fixed it to do it. Okay, there's something to pursue. Also, he decides to use Dark Visions (10 Minute Highlight Reel) of all the stuff Alycia did in the warehouse. Jason sees the other warehouse workers welcoming her into the gang (and she seems to respond); Carl the manager checking in on her; a waifish girl named "Cosmos" (a design student) bringing in cupcakes for her which, after three weeks Alycia starts to eat; Ed the asst manager acts as a mentor for her, helping her, coaching, telling terrible jokes (which she starts to get into) And when Ed's wife goes into labor, she steps up to cover for him, waits for texts from him to know that all is okay ... and then she realizes she can do what she's there for -- phony invoicing of the EMP gun shipment. Piercing the mask ... what are you really doing? (As much as he's really wondering how to get her to drop the vendetta ) She thinks she can use this thing to break down a dimensional barrier. (Epiphany! Tied to her electrical glove! Interaction with Harry! Was it intentional?) And she looks up at the camera, she finger-guns Jason, and he collapses. Looking like the Hanged Man tarot. [This vision expanded here .] ((Concord stuff on moves and stat adjustment)) Link -- Otto is chattering about cools stuff that happened. Pneuma waves when he pulls up. Didn't have a fight with Jason. Told a really good joke about him, though. So why didn't you tell them you want to be leader. I don't want there to be a leader. You're a good leader who's not a leader. Remember next time the team needs a leader who's not. Pneuma needs to go out of town a couple of days. Two things -- one thing about his father.Going to Japan. I want popcorn and a re-viewing of "The Hangover". Oh, wait, it's a school night. Wrap-up! JASON - Growing into self-image as leader, taking bold action [+Freak, -Danger] LINK - Closer to the Team. Influence to Adam, who did the thing Leo had suggested. [+Superior, -Freak ... but maxed minus Freak, so becomes Afraid] ADAM - Closer to the Team. Interrogated a guy with Leo. [-Mundane, +Superior] HARRY - Closer to the Team. GG. [+Mundane, -Danger] CHARLOTTE - Closer to the Team. Harry. [+Mundane, -Superior]