Hey, folks, it's that annoying time of year yet again! Countries are popping in and out of Daylight savings time with the changing of the seasons. Why is it so needlessly complicated and inconsistent? No one knows! For the record: Australia (upside-down land) is now entering summer and so started DST on October 1, jumping forward an hour like a kangaroo on spacetime steroids. Europe (not even a real continent) will be ending DST on October 29, falling back an hour like one of their armies when the Americans show up. The U.S. (deluded into thinking it's actually two continents) will be ending DST on November 5, well behind Europe's changes, just like in education and healthcare. Please take special note that for the week between October 29 and November 5, the normal time conversions will be off. For instance, normally Pacific time is 8 hours behind the UK. Right now, they're on summer time at GMT+1 and California is on DST at GMT-7. After November 5, England will be on GMT and the West Coast will be on GMT-8. No problem there. But for Oct 29-Nov 5, Pacific will only be 7 hours behind the UK (so Eastern will only be 4 hours behind instead of the normal 5). If unsure about a game time during this messy time, please check in with Guild chat and people will hook you up with knowledge. Good hunting!