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Side Scrolling not working?


Edited 1389153282
Hello. Not sure if this has been reported or not. I used to be able to scroll from side-to-side in roll20 using my mouse, and tilting the scroll wheel side-to-side. But since coming back after holidays, I have to click and drag the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen. Everything else seems to work fine (and great) except this. It seems like I can't side-scroll anything in Chrome now, which says to me the problem is with Chrome...EXCEPT... I try loading the site in IE, and I can side scroll just fine! But I can't vertically scroll the main map window. I can scroll the turn order tracker, even the chat window on the right side, but not the main window. Anyone else having this problem?
Forum Champion
I am not sure what you mean by "tilting the scroll wheel side-to-side" but I can use the shift+mousewheel combo to side scroll in Chrome still.
Some o' dem fancy-pants new-fangled mouses with da buttons and da gee-gaws and da whizz-bangers, what costs a whole buncha moolah, for dem folks what likes ta use dem com-pooters lots, gots fancy-pants gizmos like a scroll wheel what turns all higgledy-piggledy an' sideways an' stuff! Really. I've seen 'em! Mine doesn't, tho, 'cuz I'm poor and mine's a cheap one with only five buttons and a boring scroll wheel that only clicks up and down but not sideways. :::sigh::: PS: Hey, never knew you could shift-wheel, that's pretty nifty! Learn somethin' new every day! q;}
Scrolling via mouse button is generally a browser-in-general issue or mouse software (if using anything other than built-in). I see plenty of minor features change or break when browsers get updated; just you recently update yours? Does it work in other browsers?
Shift + Scroll only works in Chrome to my knowledge. I know it doesn't work in Firefox.
Looks like shift+scrolling the wheel up and down works! Thanks for the tip, it will make moving around my game boards much faster!
As an aside, most programs running on Microsoft Windows can generally scroll any direction by holding down the middle mouse-wheel and moving your mouse in the desired direction.