I'm not special enough on YouTube to be able to post a video without splitting it up into 15 minute chunks so here is the playlist of my just under 3 hour session. Please note that I forgot to start recording for about the first half hour so some is missed. Also, I wasn't sure how the audio was going to be so its lower than I wanted WHICH prompted my players to try watching it on YouTube with closed captioning turned on...which I HIGHLY recommend :P is PooP Patrol. Yes, PooP Patrol. Like I said...this was my first roll20 campaign so a lot of it is me trying to figure out the mechanics of the system so wanted to keep the gameplay simple. The part that was missed in recording was the introduction. The intro was simple...the players were given Kobold characters (cuz I didn't want to search Goblin like everybody else!) who were new recruits charged with cleaning up the poo around the Kobold cave. And so I present...PooP Patrol... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>