So my schedule of games has dropped off recently and I find myself with a lot of time, and the desire to do my own version of an Adventure Path for Pathfinder that I enjoy a lot, Jade Regent. I'm a player in a game of it right now with my long-time group, and I want to iron out the details of running it for when my RotRL group finishes so they can play it. Some details though: 1. I don't exactly know when this will be. Soon, I hope, but it's not something that's scrambling to start right away. There's some systems I'm still writing that will take some time, maps I'm still making for the game, and I want to take my time putting together the right group of players to reduce flakes and hopefully put together people that will work together and have a good time for a while. 2. For this game specifically, I'd like it if all people playing have experience with the Rise of the Runelords adventure, though only the first book is really necessary, most of or the whole campaign would be ideal. This is for my own convenience since Jade Regent is based on characters carried over from Runelords, and it saves me having to explain who and what everything is to people, and knowing the characters beforehand makes bonding with the setting and building characters within it much easier. 3. This is a voice-chat game, and I'm a bit of a stickler for attendance. Apparently I have to be up front about that, so if you have a habit of missing sessions for personal or schedule reasons, this is probably not the game for you. Outside of that, I intend for there to be lots of roleplaying, flavor (if you enjoy Asian themes in your Pathfinder, with some Viking mixed in, you'll have fun), and hopefully a good time. I'm right now writing my own set of rather complex systems for overhauling the Caravan system in the module so it's a bit more interesting and has a lot more in-depth opportunities for players to explore. If any of that sounds like your cup of tea, you can PM me here, or reach me directly on Skype as Askren- I have no set date this will play on, obviously, that will be decided when there's a group to talk it over. Probably won't be Mondays, Fridays, or Sundays though.