This is springboard mini-campaign to introduce my group and new players to the 20th Anniversary oWoD setting. It will kickoff off with a modified Ashes to Ashes/Dust to Dust adventure. Game Info & Application thread is located here >  HERE YOU GO There are times when the rational world seems, if only for a second, to fall away. The leaves rustling in the trees on a still day. The movement just past the corner of your eye. We are taught to ignore the foolish impulse to react. But for those who look too long, too closely, there is another world pulsing just behind the facade of the one we know. Unimaginable things skitter by in the darkness, and sometimes they intrude on the reasonable, ordered world. They seep from the shadows, they rattle their chains and they force you to look. If you're lucky--very, very lucky--you'll survive what you see. But you'll never be the same again.