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Link items in Rollable Table


Edited 1508778061
Is there a way to control the output of a rollable table? Specifically I would like it to format in a more readable fashion than what's provided today. Secondly, I would like that text to be linkable to Handouts / Character Sheets. Basically I'm creating a rollable table containing different random treasures, and have corresponding handouts for those items. I would like the output be linked to those handouts. For example I can in chat list something like this [Item of Awesomeness]( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... However, that doesn't work for roll tables. I get something like the following rolling 1t[my-awesome-treasures] ( [Item of Awesomeness]( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... )=0 I would just like it to look like Item of Awesomeness
The Aaron
API Scripter
I think you'll need the API for that.

Edited 1509213220
Just to clarity, I can't do '! /w gm [[1d4]]' from the rollable table anyway either? It's removing what I've trying to type ! & # 1 3 ;
Jeremy R. said: Is there a way to control the output of a rollable table? Specifically I would like it to format in a more readable fashion than what's provided today. Secondly, I would like that text to be linkable to Handouts / Character Sheets. The Recursive Tables API Script can do both of these things.

Edited 1509292763
The Aaron, would Recursive tables accommodate both linking the handouts and as well as this? If so, this may just be my overall answer. whoops, need to read the "both" of these things Silvyre posted :D
Is Recursive Tables not in the one click installer?
Jeremy R. said: The Aaron, would Recursive tables accommodate both linking the handouts and as well as this? If so, this may just be my overall answer. whoops, need to read the "both" of these things Silvyre posted :D Yes, the answer is yes! This is brilliant!
Now I just need to find a way to link to Compendium items, and I'll be set!
I can sort of get it to work by Inspecting the pop up element and grabbing the link. The only problem is, the Header is wrong. For Spell Scroll from D&D5e for instance, it reads Items%3ASpell%20Scroll

Edited 1509318136
The Aaron
API Scripter
Probably not, I'm kind of lazy in that regard...&nbsp; (That was to the 1-click installer question)
Actually, if you pull the link from the Compendium page, via natural navigation (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) vs. searching for the item (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) it works.
The Aaron
API Scripter

Edited 1509454523
I really really like Recursive Tables. Magic Item Table B from the DMG is rolled using !rt. It contains a few items that have tables Ring and Potion of Resistance, those items get rolled, rt then rolls on the sub item table, and still provides a link in chat to the compendium page. This is brilliant. [Potion of [[1t[Resistance]]] Resistance]( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> )
The Aaron
API Scripter
Thanks!&nbsp; Glad you like it!&nbsp; That's pretty much exactly what I built it for. =D
You should really consider adding it to the one click installer. I think a lot more people could benefit from it!
The Aaron
API Scripter
Yeah, probably...
The Aaron said: Yeah, probably... that and a roll listener are a god send for me... i have so many useful roll tables now... either way your scripts are the bomb again my friend. i think at this point i have at least 3 of them in use daily with tweaks in others that i am sure you helped on at&nbsp; some point.&nbsp; table export +1 Recursive Tables+1 torch+1
The Aaron
API Scripter
=D&nbsp; You should move into TokenMod next. =D
The Aaron said: =D&nbsp; You should move into TokenMod next. =D Funny you should say that im doing research now into that so StatusFX is easier to apply...&nbsp;