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No @/# dropdown when editing character sheets

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I would have just commented on the post, but for some reason it was closed. I have had the same thing happen to me (Using Google Chrome) What happens is if I try to delete an @ dropdown that was already inputed and change around the Ability Macro, the @ dropdowns afterwards no longer function at all and I find I have to save changes then come back into the sheet in order get the dropdown working again.
Forum Champion
Tanice, I may be missing something but, did you paste the correct link? It seems to be an unrelated thread. I think you meant to post: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I will look this over later to see if I can reproduce it.&nbsp; - Gauss
Yeah, sorry corrected it, not sure why it was closed either... :/
I am having similar issue. When editing a macro I have just deleted it and started over, to get around this. Also I am attempting to do a Ability for Battles. I created an attribute for number of dice and another for number of sides. I then tried running /roll @numdice d @ numsides and getting an error. I am trying to do this as quick load for my players when they choose their weapons instead of creating a&nbsp;separate&nbsp;macro for each weapon.
Forum Champion
Tanice:&nbsp; I am unable to replicate this. Could you give me a step by step guide on how to replicate it?&nbsp; - Gauss
Forum Champion
Luke:&nbsp; If you delete the spaces before and after the 'd' your Ability or Macro should work. Let me know if there are further problems with it. - Gauss
Hmm... It seems not to work that way anymore... But today I was playing around with typing in Text macros in chat (#Macro-name) and the thing doesn't pop up to finish the input in the text box now for the same reasons it seems. Specifically what I do in the chat text box is type "#m-" to search for the Macors starting in M and the pop up closes and I cannot get it back without refreshing the whole tabletop, similar to what was happening to me in the character sheets. Nothing pops up at all after that.
Gauss said: Luke:&nbsp; If you delete the spaces before and after the 'd' your Ability or Macro should work. Let me know if there are further problems with it. - Gauss even when deleting the spaces not working
Forum Champion
Luke: could you post both the Ability and the Attributes you are using? - Gauss
Forum Champion
Tanice, can you please post the results from : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;without your URL? You might be having a bug.&nbsp; When the problem occurs can you also open your console (Ctrl+Shift+J for Chrome) and post any errors (in red) that may be showing? - Gauss
Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Screen Resolution 1920x1080 Web Browser Chrome 24.0.1312.57 Browser Size 1920 x 912 Javascript Enabled Color Depth&nbsp; 32bit Cookies Enabled Flash Version 11.5.31 In red with error active Cross-origin image load denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy. appears twice
Forum Champion
Tanice: I think that is just a basic image error which should not be affecting the dropdown menu.&nbsp; Before I send this off to the devs, mind if I come take a look at your game and see if there is a problem with the game itself? Could you private message me with a join link? - Gauss
Forum Champion
Tanice, I have filed a bug report to the Devs. I linked the image to the report so please dont delete it. - Gauss
Gauss said: Luke: could you post both the Ability and the Attributes you are using? - Gauss The Attributes are Dexterity, Gun-Skill, GunDamdice, GunDamSides I have one Macro I use that I named Standard-Roll that is just a 2d10 The Ability Named Gun-Attack "To Hit" /gmroll #Standard-Roll + @Dexterity + @Gun-Skill "Damage" /gmroll @GunDamdice d @GunDamSides ( tried many different naming ways thought that maybe the # sign I started with was causing issues in the name, so took that out) I know the first half works by itself and I thought I had the second half working few weeks ago but then just quit. I have &nbsp;tried to delete and start over on the whole thing
I have seen this too.&nbsp; It usually happens when I half delete the @ text or if I change an attribute name or delete an attribute.&nbsp; Though usually closing the ability and reopening fixes it.
I found my major error I was telling it to do a /gmroll and then in the standard roll macro I was telling it to roll again also found if I close the editor and try to open it again it wont allow me to access the dropdown menus. I am now able to remove the spaces and make them work as long as I do it before I close the editor the first time.
Forum Champion
Ok Luke, so I am just confirming, no remaining issues? :) - Gauss
nothing That I can't work around thanks.
I have this exact problem. The @ symbol brings up nothing, so the arrow keys just move the cursor around the macro's programming field, and if I type it out, executing the macro just rolls the die while ignoring the variables. I'm wondering if it's my syntax. The macro I'm trying to test is the following from within a character sheet:&nbsp; /roll 1d20+@Halflevel I'm using Chrome (version 24.etcetera) on windows 7 w/ 6GB of RAM. I've whitelisted the site for flash and adblock plus.
Forum Champion
Nazim, is this in Abilities or Macros?&nbsp; Can you provide a screenshot? - Gauss
It's in abilities. Here is a screenshot: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And although the example is a pretty complex ability, it happens on short ones as well. For example, if I were to use the very first roll alone. Please feel free to login to my campaign to help me figure out what I'm screwing up. It's my "Generic 4e" that I'm testing out. And this isn't to complain about the site. I think you guys have done an INCREDIBLE job rendering all this in a web browser. Props.
Forum Champion
Nazim, t he reason the Ability macro is ignoring the syntax is because @Weapon is an incorrect syntax. @Weapon is the shortcut to bring up the menu but sometimes it does not. When a user hits enter on a menu option it fills in the @weapon syntax properly.&nbsp; Could you try typing in a brand new Ability using only the following: /roll 1d20+@Weapon and see if the menu comes up for you?&nbsp; - Gauss
Even in a brand new ability, the menu does not come up when I type "/roll 1d20+@" nor when I add "Weapon" (without quotes). For what it's worth, I also tried typing it without the @, typing [charactername]:[attribute], starting with the character's name, and at no time have I ever seen the menu.&nbsp; The good news is that a list of macros pops up in the chat when I type a hashtag. Potentially related, I can't copy or paste in these fora, and when I tried to use the image or link buttons on the "Post Reply" banner, they do nothing (I honestly could care less about that: I only mention it because there might be something wrong at my end of business, and I don't know what it is).&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Nazim, I agree that there might be something wrong on your end. What browser are you using?&nbsp; - Gauss
Chrome version 24... on Windows 7.
Gauss, can you get the ability to pull up an attribute in my campaign? Also, are the @ button and the # button (on the character sheet, under the ability main field) supposed to be clickable? Clicking on them does nothing for me.
Forum Champion
Nazim, since I am just a moderator (basically just a user like yourself) I do not have developer access to your campaign. :) However, I could come take a look if you PM me your join link.&nbsp; The @ and # under the main ablity field are not clickable. They are just symbols. - Gauss