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[Online][Pathfinder][Weekly][Saturday][PST][Homebrew] Looking for a couple players to fill the party!

I have a Homebrew Pathfinder campaign running every Saturday from about 5-10 PM PST, and I have a few open spots in the group. Details about the game! We play over Discord for voice and use Roll20 for the game. Starting level is 5th, progression is normal, and I'm planning on running this campaign (come hell or high water) up until around 16th level, but we'll see. I've been GM'ing for about a decade now, and my style is based around a solid mix of combat and roleplaying, allowing the players to choose what kind of themes they want to encounter by the choices of adventures they go on. Currently, they've chosen to go toward the darker side of things. Character voices, fanciful exposition, visceral combat-- you can find it all with this group! The current arc is that the players are in debt to a noble family-- in the hole several thousand gold with them-- and need to pay it back before the end of twenty days. The debt came from a building that was not fully paid off, the debt being shunted onto the only remaining member of the guild's roster (the ones who originally had the building), and a group was assembled to gather this gold as fast as possible through adventuring. This family is not someone you cheap out on. People disappear when that happens. The party is currently on their eighth day adventuring and fighting hard through a treacherous jungle looking for something to plunder from the ancient ruins. They are currently in an abandoned dwarven outpost nestled near some jungley mountains where they've found Sahuagin have taken over and set up shop inside. They just completed their first hectic battle, and are on their way to discovering the plight of the outpost of Greenhill. The group is currently a Life Oracle, and Fire Elemental (Bloodline) Sorcerer, an Inspiring Commander Cavalier, and a Slayer. We have a monk joining in a couple of sessions, but the fact stands that we only have two dedicated players right now. The Slayer and Cavalier are both GMPCs as they were originally played by PCs who then left. I cannot write them out appropriately just yet, so I'm keeping them as part of the party until I can. CAVEATS Only eight races are playable. Human, Half-elf, Elf, Dwarf, Ratfolk, Catfolk, Undine, and Half-orc. Half-orcs are called 'Orcs', but use the Half-orc racial template because the GM likes it better. Although it won't matter immediately, magic is restricted after 6th level spells. 7th, 8th, and 9th levels spells make the game go out of control pretty damn quick, so I'm keeping them under close watch. Please do not come in with a premade character concept. Contact me with your interest, and allow me to chat with you about the world lore and help you come up with a character concept that you will enjoy. This will allow me to be intimately familiar with the character so I can throw you relevant hooks in the future, and allow you to be more familiar with relevant world lore for your character. If you cannot dedicate at least 80% of your Saturdays (with a down payment up front of at least three consecutive sessions), I'll have to overlook you. I've had horrible luck with players that cannot commit, and it givesmeconniptions.jpg . Players will all start with one background skill (always maxed, always class skill for free), one background trait (The only trait you start with, you don't pick any others), and one background feat. However, I get to choose these for you based on the character concept you provide me with! If you're interested, leave me a private message with your Discord information, or a message here and I'll get back to you with mine so we can chat.
Bump! Even if you can't join tonight, we'd still really like to have new players ready.
I am interested in playing. I have a chunk of time in the system but I am still learning my way around.
I knew I should have started reading up on Pathfinder sooner!
Yes, still looking! Started looking on Saturday, but the players I'm looking for will be able to join this Saturday. As a heads up, so far I have accepted a Bard and a Monk, putting the party up to having a Cavalier, Sorcerer, Oracle, Bard, and Monk, (with a couple accompanying NPCs). 
I’d be down but I’ve never played pathfinder before, would have to read up, maybe get some tips from the gm XD
That is fine. It is perfectly fine if any applicant is new to Pathfinder .  I am willing to teach, but you must at least be confident in your roleplaying!
Do you have spots to fill, still?

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Yes. If you'd like to contact us, send me your Discord information and we can chat there.
I’d be happy to join in, please let me know if you’ve still have spots open