RECAP! (via Mike) Recap of Issue 10 . Two-page spread -- Concord facing down Sablestar. Oh-crap look. "Oh man, today's been crazy, and lunch period isn't even over yet." Called to Dr Dawes, the Principal. Almost got him to talk about the Concordance. And Leo made a new friend, weird, nice, really smart, speaks Mandarin. Being a secret hero is rough! Jason and Harry have it easy. Even the Concordance seems scared of Sablestar. I don't think I can do this on my own! [Clear "Angry" -- Danger -1, Mundane +1] INTO THE ACTION! Concord -- Villain in the background, hero is flying back toward the viewer, backward, grimacing, being blasted toward the viewer. Falling out an accretion disk down toward the city. His face is striken with a look of panic. Link+Otto rocketing upward. Concord wants to regroup with Link. But because he's afraid, he can't fly. Link snags him ... "And I'm here to catch you." ... [Comfort/Support] Adam gives him that knowing nod ( that the shippers will latch onto ) and zooms into flight. (Ghost Girl is hearing this.) They abruptly rocket straight into the sky because gravity flips. Which is affecting some cars and people on the ground, too -- a 30m column. Link heads down to try to grapple some of them. GG -- Was at Ghostheart's place, then the coffee shop, but she detects where they are, and flies there. Sees people flying, falling, cars ... concentrates on the shadows of Link's armor to communicate with him. "Go faster!' GG reaches out to a dark corner of Harry's mind. Charlotte is obsessed with tourist maps, so she can tell Harry where to go. (Jason ... enforced bed rest and planning on a road trip to Pennsylvania.) Harry is in class. Social Dance (because he can't do regular PE). It's another super -- a flyer "She's light on her feet." "A10." She's ... aggressive. He begs off -- "Cover for me." "You owe me." Concord is heading toward Sablestar. She pulls a starlight sword, ripping space-time toward him (and, if it misses, will demolish a bunch of businesses / residences. Concord throws up a big defensive shield to defend the city. The shield splits -- absorbs the blow, but the shield spins to either side, the energies spinning around each other. "Why are you doing this? You look just like me! Shouldn't you be trying to help people?" She stares ... then laughs with cosmic mockery and disdain. "If I wondered how a Concord agent had gotten out here and hadn't completely brought the planet under its heel, I now understand you don't understand anything. Youare utterly out of your depth, Little Boy. I am Void Collective, and we are nothing alike. You are utterly outclassed, you and your ... locals. This is sad, I almost want to tell the rest of the Concordance what you are doing to them. It's so sad. Just step out of the way, let me be about my business, and stop embarrassing yourself." Link -- will try to counterbalance the folk falling down and the folk falling up, juggling with cables, sort of a Tilt-a-Whirl. GG tries to phase folk out of the car and flying them down. Jason -- newschopper covering this stuff. Concord. "You're *wrong*. These powers were meant to HELP people. And these are my FRIENDS. And helping people is what I'm going to do." Energy building up behind him. And he LETS LOOSE. And ... oh dear. The power just sparkles and fades away. "You just don't understand how any of this works, do you?" She flips the gravity again. And opens up another accretion disk, and floats into this with a little tah-tah wave. Jason is flying in at high speed on one of the flying disks (though video back at the compound shows him still in the room) He's been "reading the files" -- Dad encountered them rarely -- the Void Shadow Collective. Sablestar has encountered the cosmic heroes on occasion. Never shown this power level before. Gamma radiation will stop her! Is there a way to restrain / stop her? Would need a gravitic disruption -- disrupt the portal in some way. Link throws a car to do such a disruption. (Sends her off somewhere else.) But ... the three people closest to her take a hit, too ... GG, Link, Concord. EMP! Impacts Link's suit, and GG's energy fields, and Concord's energy. GG passes out. Link's suit fails, falls toward the ground. Adam is daunted -- Insecure and Hopeless. Harry was just pulling up, thinking of doing the tornado thing. Jason saw the explosion -- "Yes!" ... and then Link goes limp, and the eight people who were hanging to the cables start to fall. And the cars. And GG goes corporeal and starts to all, too. Harry does the air cushion thing. Jason sprays nanobots out to create a cushion beneath -- though Harry's efforts means that he doesn't need to over-extend. Dust settles. But ... GG is a perfectly regular girl ... then goes back ghostly after a minute. Link's suit reboots. People are standing up, still holding onto cables. And the populace starts to clap. Remarkably little damage. Adam stares at the spot Sablestar vanished. The applause is not affecting him. He face is grim. The moment of truth just wasn't there ... THE I-OWE LIST! That would be Jason and Harry. Flashback to Ghost Girl ADVANCES Concord: Grew closer to the team --> Link [+Potential, advance] Danger +, Savior - Link: Grew closer to the team --> Adam GG: Closer to team --> Link [condition: ] Harry: Closer to team --> Jason Jason: Closer to Team --> Harry [+Potential, advance!] [Savior+ Superior-] --> also +1 DOOM ALSO ... The robot at school. "Leo, it's Pneuma ... something went wrong ..." Something happened, and no idea what, and it triggered a restore from backup to an immediate robot body.