Unlike some other GMs I 'only' run one campaign but the sessions are twice a week (sometimes even three times) as I have pretty flexible and enthusiastic players. Took me 3 months to get there though, players leaving / having to be removed because they didn't like that 'nothing was happening' during group discussions or scenes where people found out more about the world/setting itself, because they didn't show up, because they behaved stupid evil (attacking children), didn't know how to play their chosen character ('okay, someone spotted me - I got nothing, I'll roll Int and you tell me what do do!') or were just not clear that I mostly expect actor stance and a slight amount of acting. No grand speeches or anything, but you need to give me -something- to work with and determine how the NPC reacts.
I think within about 5 months we went though 9 people or something until I found the 5 I currently work with and they seem to be on the same page as I am, but, yeah... one never knows what one gets be it with players or GMs, but the ratio of the players is higher. Its kind of comparable to the Tank DPS ratio, except its usually worse than 1 vs 3... Just the way it is.
tl;dr: GMing a campaign twice a week is enough so I don't even find the time or energy to play myself, so not going to host another campaign either.