I've got a couple go to scripts, some of which have been mentioned or alluded to and in purely stream of consciousness order: My Page Navigator Script: Once you have about 20 pages or so of content for your game, moving players around is a pain in the butt. Page Navigator lets me move players (including splitting the party) via chat command, or by them simply moving their token into a designated transition area. It handles the creation, and syncing of their tokens on the new page (if there is a place for them to be made). The chat command portion of Page Navigator is pretty simple (admittedly, I may be biased since I programmed it), but I would recommend saving the token creation/transition zone functionality till you have gotten more comfortable with API in general and the script specifically. I won't be using it in my new campaign as we are going to be using checkpoint leveling, but I very much like my EasyExperience script for easily tracking xp awards. The Jukebox controls native to Roll20 just don't allow enough fine control over what sounds are playing, so I really like my Roll20AM script to be able to overlay sounds, integrate sound control into macros, and allow a player(s) to be your game's DJ instead of needing to handle that yourself. As mentioned by mage and Erich, Aaron's TableExport (also does import) and Recursive Tables are god sends for handling just about any sort of dX table, whether it's loot tables, random encounter tables, magic shop stock tables, or magic item creation tables. If it needs a roll on a table and then additional rolls (either table or regular inline), recursive tables is your answer. For Pathfinder, the Pathfinder Companion Script should make a lot of the minutiae of playing pathfinder much more streamlined. From monster statblock import to effect application; the script helps with it all. I've written a pretty detailed help document for this script that you can find through the script's thread. Aaron's torch script is also essential for getting the most out of your DL experience. I haven't played around with the advanced fog of war yet, so I'm not sure how that will interact with Torch. I have sporadically used TokenMod, but most of what I would use it, or chatSetAttribute, for has been handled by the above scripts (Torch and PFC especially) Traps are one of those things that can really make the tension in a dungeon skyrocket, but a lot of times it's hard to remember what 5-ft square triggers them and your players can wind up moving past the trap and then having to be moved back. It's a Trap resolves a lot of these issues and takes the tedium out of handling traps in play. I know you asked for specifics on how to use any recommendations, but I second lordmage's recommendation of just building your script library one at a time as you get comfortable with each one. Mine and Aaron's scripts (and most other scripters') contributions have help menus and (hopefully) reasonably detailed help details in their associated threads. If you have any questions on how to do something, feel free to ask.