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GM LFP for a fantasy setting with Savage Worlds


Edited 1389571544
Time zone/availability first so I don't waste your time: I'm in the PST time zone. I'm open Saturday/Friday all day. Open Sun-Thurs from 10am to 2pm. I'd prefer it if we kept this on the weekend. The game will be played every other week. May change frequency of game to twice every other week depending on everyone's schedules, but not once a week. The system will be Savage Worlds Deluxe using a fantasy setting with some minor rules home brewing, and custom items/monsters/magic. Resources for play with be available, you don't have to go out and buy anything. Setting will be discussed and input will be taken before character generation begins. This game won't be beginning immediately, looking to start within a month to get a good solid start ready for my future players. I expect RP from all my players, but it's not going to be a dinner party. There will be plenty of combat and challenges. I will help encourage. We will communicate using Skype. I'm okay with role playing in text, especially if your character has a lot to say or you don't think your voice can convey the image you're putting out there, but please discuss the meta using your voice to speed things along if you do so. I have DMing experience, but not with Savage Worlds, although I have played using the system. New players are welcome as long as you put effort into learning the game. To give you an idea of the system if you're completely unfamiliar with it: It strikes a balance between traditional d20 games like D&D/Pathfinder and narrative based games like FATE. I'm looking for mature participation of 3-4 players. My criteria for "mature": Doesn't play Mary Sue or Gary Stew, is not offended by swearing, doesn't have fits or sass about disagreements, and isn't cracking a joke every other sentence. I'm okay with the occasional joke and side comments, just not so frequent that it's disruptive to actually playing the game, which we come together to do. No age requirements, but a mother or father figure unplugging your computer or router shouldn't be an issue. I don't think this is a lot to ask.

Edited 1389583994
Hello there. My campaign was cut very short and am looking for something somewhat long term. I am somewhat novice to PnPs but am completely enamored. I've mostly played just 2e adnd + pathfinder but would really like to learn other systems since I hope to run my own story sometime. Is this a sword and sorcery genre? I'm interested and available weekends as well, but its hard to really feel dedicated without knowing a smidge more about the setting. Edit: im in EST so weekends should be easily coordinated
Greetings, I've been sort of hoping to jump into a game for a while, my last game I was end had to come to an end due to job scheduling. I'll be honest, I haven't played Savage World in a while, but I'm willing to learn and am moderately experienced in the TTRPG avenue especially the modern and fantasy context. As for time zone I'm also in EST so I should be able to work with that.
Standard sword and sorcery setting like D&D. Shb-setting, subgenre and plots will be discussed with the group. You give me what you want and I create a setting and story for it.
Austin said: Standard sword and sorcery setting like D&D. Shb-setting, subgenre and plots will be discussed with the group. You give me what you want and I create a setting and story for it. Okay so how will you be doing the determination of players, I mean you're giving yourself like a month to set this up, so I'm sure a large number of people are going to ask to join, so is it a simple leave an interest notification or will you have something for us to do to thin the herd?
Simple interest notification. I will send invites once available.(my mobile has function issues on this site).
alright thank you for the prompt response, I'll also bump this thread so other people can see it
Ignore that, I'm stupid, I'll just send you the share link.
Looking for one or two more.
What is the time you guys are playing? I am interested, but sadly I have a small window of availability throughout the week.

Edited 1389646899
It appears that we will be playing during the weekend. Friday or Saturday.