From the Roll20 Community Code of Conduct : The
Roll20 Forums exist to discuss topics directly related to the use of
the Roll20 program. Anything that more fittingly could be discussed on
another website SHOULD be discussed there. In the LFG
forum, we want posts focusing on Roll20 games. The easiest way to make
sure you're focused on games on our servers is the inclusion of a /lfg/
style link. When your post is focused on "Hey, we're a discord server,
come join us!" there's very little Roll20-specific there for people to
hook onto. Please present your discord community in the context of, "This|These
specific game(s) is|are looking for more players (with LFG directory
link(s)), and this server is where we do our voicechats and hang out
between sessions" Here are some good places to discuss this topic: /r/rpg /r/dnd /r/dndnext /r/ADND /r/Pathfinder_RPG /r/savageworlds /r/shadowrun /r/swrpg /r/40krpg /r/warhammerfantasyrpg /r/WhiteWolfRPG /r/LFG /r/gamemasters