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[5e OGL] Stone of Good Luck question/Ability check modifier

Hi guys, Apologies in advance if I'm just missing the obvious. I suspect I am, but I can't tell what it is. In the Compendium for D&D, the Stone of Good Luck states that it gives a +1 to all ability checks and saving throws while attuned. Last night, I had a player drag the item from the compendium into his character sheet inventory. The item correctly applies the bonuses to saving throws, but not to ability checks. I suspect it's an error in Roll20's coding of the item, because the small description in the character sheet inventory (where it says "Wondrous Item...") mentions saving throws and not ability checks (thereby conflicting with the compendium), but perhaps there is a reason for this omission that I don't know. My question is, is there an easy way to adjust this issue? Should I report a bug (is this item only not working for us)? I was looking for some sort of "global ability check modifier," but I don't see it and this is what I'm wondering if I'm just missing. I see the global modifier for skill checks, but I don't think this is what I want, as ability checks and skill checks are not the same thing. Thanks for your help.
If you are using the 5e OGL character sheet you need to do two things, enable the setting for a global skill modifier and set the value for the modifier. The value is a little out of place as it is in the tools section of the character sheet, but that is because tools are also considered skills.

Edited 1511279264
Hi Kyle G., thanks for the response. I am using the 5E OGL sheet, I should have mentioned that in my first post. Your response images look like what I want, but I can't duplicate the results that you're showing. I entered the items you show in the first two windows, but doing an ability check roll (Dexterity, Strength, whatever) does not show a plus 1, as you show in the third screen shot image. I just get a regular ability check roll when I click any of these. Am I still missing something?
Ahh, I see now. So the character sheet doesn't understand that base stats (STR, DEX, ...) are ability checks. As such it is only currently possible for this value to apply to skills (athletics, acrobatics, ...) and tools (listed in the image above). I went a head an posted about this in the character sheet's  current thread .
Ok, thanks. I see the post you made, and I get what you're saying about the initial modifier only applying to skills. I really appreciate your help.