First, thanks for the help on the previous issue. I've gotten the following api to work...sort of
Is there a way to get it to keep the spaces and carriage returns?
on('ready',() => { on('chat:message',(msg) => { if('api'===msg.type && /^!mapinfo/i.test(msg.content) && playerIsGM(msg.playerid)){ _.chain(msg.selected) .map((o)=>getObj('graphic',o._id)) .reject(_.isUndefined) .each((t)=>{ sendChat("Map Info", `/w gm &{template:desc} {{desc=${t.get('gmnotes')}}}` ); }); } }); });However, as you can see I'm reading the gmnotes from the selected token. These are tokens I have on the GM layer that contain information about the encounters. When I print them to chat however, everything is being converted to html characters, as in the output looks like this:
Is there a way to get it to keep the spaces and carriage returns?