With a clear goal in mind - going to a fancy party to help shape policy, which seems like the kind of positive change they can get behind - the ladies go shopping, using their newly-gotten funds from their successful mission to purchase things they never could have afforded on their old waitressing salaries.  They discuss their goals and dress accordingly; after some conversation, they decide that Issy will pretend to be the daughter of a Haitian senator hereo n vacation, that Valencia will go as herself (with some of the notoriety attached to being the daughter of an infamous drug kingpin), and that Helena will go undercover as a waitress in case someone needs to go to less official places.  Valencia gets ravishing so she can try her wiles on the lawmakers, Issy gets prim and proper and political, and even though Helena doesn't get to dress up, they buy her a fancy pantsuit just to make sure she doesn't feel left out. When they return home to get ready, they discover that Hops, the giant rabbit from the swamp, has somehow made it into downtown Miami and is sleeping in Valencia's bedroom (unfortunately, they startle her and the bed is unceremoniously destroyed by gigantic rabbit thrashing).  After everyone calms down, Hops asks for an update on how their mission to get into Aldonza's good graces and find out about her colossus is going, and they let her know that they're making good progress and hope to make more after this party.  Hops hopes that they keep the needs of the Florida environment in mind, and they renew their pledge to do so before the rabbit vanishes back into the wilderness. They plan well into the night, with Helena displaying incredible information-gathering and hacking skills in order to research their cover stories online and Valencia stalking involved people via social media to make sure they can pull off their heist.  Around midnight; Helena notices that something strange is happening in the sky; as they look to investigate, they see that the moon seems enormous and strangely luminous, and a moment later that it seems to be raining, little silver drops falling out of the sky to the city below.  One lands on the roof across the street from them, and turns out to be a tiny silver creature, only a couple of feet tall, with a blank face and a vaguely human shape, looking distracted and confused by its new location. Valencia is frightened, remembering that the strange creatures they encountered in the swamp were none too friendly, but Issy feels an odd kinship with the creature, and promises to investigate, making an impressive leap from their balcony to the opposite roof to interact with it.  She is unable to communicate with it (in spite of all the shouted encouragement from Helena and Valencia), but eventually uses a combination of charades and a silvery glowing power of her own to convince it to trust her, and the creature climbs into her arm.  She gets off the roof less than gracefully, causing concern from passing motorists, but manages to get the little moon creature back into their apartment - and only just in time. Almost as soon as Issy and the moon boy are inside, a grappling hook sails up and over their balcony railing, and Valencia and Helena are startled to see a woman in a black motorcycle helmet and leather jacket with a pair of swords attempting to scale their building, accompanied by a wave of terrifying darkness.  Helena manages to pry the hook off while Valencia, outraged, unleashes a torrent of yelling at the intruder, who appears to be more than a little confused that anyone is even paying attention to notice her.  Intimidated by Valencia's fury, the woman comes to the front door and vehemently asks to be allowed to search the premises, but even though she's not sure about the whole moon boy idea, Valencia is not about to let anyone interfere in her home or her friends and eventually runs the invader off. Finally safe, at least for the moment, the girls try to figure out how to communicate with their new guest, but although it seems to love light in all its forms, it doesn't seem capable of understanding them...