Hey, I had some thoughts on the whole mind-swap thing and thought it might be helpful for Katherine to kind of get the 30-second overview of being Adam. Nothing in depth or anything intrinsic to his personality, just things that will be immediately obvious. Might help everyone. We've got time to think about these. Adam is twelve and short . It's going to be pretty obvious when you've got to look up to everyone else (and their nostrils) but Adam is short even for a twelve-year-old. Think barely over four-foot. You're Going to Heightened Awareness of Everyone's Emotional State and it isn't going to make any sense because it is color coded. Hope Solaris is feeling helpful. On that note... You Have an Imaginary Friend and He is Nosy. Prepare to have conversations with nothing while everyone looks at you funny. Your Powers Are Linked to Your Emotional State in a Really Direct Manner . Feeling something won't make you accidentally fire something off, but they're more like engines to power the systems. Not feeling Courageous? Not going fly for very long. As a quick key: Truth is the Armor (transformed state, enhanced durability and strength) so just don't be Deceptive and you'll be fine there. Courage is the Shield (energy constructs and the ability to fly, since that is just an energy construct build around Adam). Love is a Weapon of Some Sort , no idea what weapon since it hasn't come up yet and it takes a really particular frame of mind anyway (and the one time Adam did try to use something like it, it was in the really wrong frame of mind). Your Phone is Going to Blow Up with Texts from Concerned Parents . Actual concern. Not Eggplants. :P Also controlling, but with different goals that probably what Harry is used to. Probably going to worthwhile to swap phones for the duration of this craziness. Also, just as something fun, I will point out when Farscape did this episode they put print outs of who was possessing who so they (and the audience) could keep things straight. Less a concern on our end, but maybe worth while in story to help with the confusion (also because I will work in a Farscape reference when I can).