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I need help with multi-classing

So, recently, I've delved into the idea of multi-classing with some friends I play with one town over. I decided to take an older character (a Bard, whom I played with for one or two sessions, then quit on) and multi-class him into a rogue, since I like the rogue, and thought it would fit well given his character lore. I'm very new to multi-classing, and although searching about online and in manuals has helped, I still don't know how spells, or level-specific features work with multi-classing. Specifically, I was wondering that since my bard is a level 2, and decided to multi-class him into a rogue level 1, does that mean I can't choose a bard college? And what about when choosing to level further in the rogue class? If I can get any help on this, I'd appreciate it. I hate asking for help, as I usually am my group's DM, and often have the answers my players seek, but this time I need help. I fear if I can't make sense of any of the spell and class features rules, we might not be able to use multi-classing.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I'll assume you talk about D&D5e, could state the system you are talking about in the start, we play may games on roll20.&nbsp; Anyway I lost my post i was writing so I'll just make it short. You get only the things from the class level to, so for a bard 2 who chooses rogue for his next level gets only the things a first lvl rogue get. The rougue isn't a caster, so your spellslots stays the same. If you then bard 2/rogue 1 decide next lvl for bard, then he gets all the bard stuff for that lvl, which is lvl 3. That would makr the fourth lvl character bard 3/rogue 1. There are attribute prerequisites and additonal poficiencies you gain first time you multiclass to a new class. This link mentions all the relevant stuff: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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