Not sure if anyone would find it useful, but here is my script contribution: After linking images in chat for creatures they see, and players having to click and open a new tab and look then close the tab, or players just linking funny images relevant to what was going on ingame they found (animated gifs of random things seen as parallels of whats going on in game) and people having to do the same thing: click, newtab, close. I figured Id make a quick script to directly show the image in chat for everyone. all you have to do it do !pic [image address] to have it show up in chat. It works for all images. animated gifs, jpg, etc. For example you would type: !pic <a href="http://somesite.com/picture.jpg" rel="nofollow">http://somesite.com/picture.jpg</a> It works great for when I need to throw up an image of a creature they ran into, or see, much easier than changing an image on a handout and popping it up in front of the players, or giving external link to click. or players wanting to toss in an image for a laugh relevent to game, without making everyone pause to go look. here is an example screenshot of me tossing up a kobold image in chat <a href="http://i.imgur.com/FnrpAAI.jpg" rel="nofollow">http://i.imgur.com/FnrpAAI.jpg</a> code: on("chat:message", function (msg) {
var cmdName = "!pic ";
var msgTxt = msg.content;
var msgWho = msg.who;
var piclink = msgTxt.slice(cmdName.length);
if (msg.type == "api" && msgTxt.indexOf(cmdName) !== -1) {
sendChat(msgWho, '/direct <b><u>shared:<img src="' + piclink + '">');