Hey everyone! There's a new update out today. Mostly this is a "cleanup" update where I made some changes to things based on feedback from Rugged Reroll. There are also a few things I've been meaning to do for a while in there. Enjoy! Tokens With Sight Re-Drawn on Top of Everything Starting today, any token with the "Has Sight" checkbox active (for those of you using Dynamic Lighting) will be drawn on top of everything (including Dynamic Lighting and Fog of War). This allows the player to see the token even if the field of view is vary narrow (such as 45-degrees). It also prevents players from "losing" their tokens inside of the lighting or fog of war. The idea here is that your player's PC tokens will have "Has Sight" checked, while other things they may be able to control won't, so the performance hit here should be negligible. Note that for the GM, this only takes effect if you are "viewing" as that token (highlighted it and press Ctrl+L). Important Note: With this change, my intention is to "flip" the default orientation of the "sight" of the tokens, since as many of you have pointed out it's backwards for the top-down token style from the sets on most (all?) of the Marketplace. I will probably do this in a week or two, and I'll attempt to give you some further heads up so your tokens aren't all backwards for your game right after it happens. Pings and Measurements Drawn on Top of Everything, No Longer Shown on GM Layer In addition, pings and measurements are now drawn on top of all lighting/FoW as well, allowing you or your players to point out things that the players can't see with ease. In addition, pings, measurements, and waypoints are now no longer shown to players if they are done on the GM Layer (or in the case of waypoints if the token is located on the GM Layer). GM Notes Field Added to Handouts We've added a GM Notes field to the Handouts similar to the one that's already on the Characters entries. Pretty self-explanatory. Miscellaneous Players who can edit Characters and Handouts can now upload avatars for those types of objects, and change the names of them as well. New image proxy for images used from the web search, which features smarter caching so that even if the external site goes down, most of your images in your campaign will still work. Server-side caching of some values that we fetch from our real-time sync server, which should speed up the time it takes to join games a bit. Happy gaming!