Hi Jason, This is an issue with the OGL sheet update that is resolved in newly created copies of the Module, but has not yet gone out as a patch to existing games created with the Module due to the large changes made to the OGL sheet. We apologize for this issue and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible. In the meantime, there is a quick and easy workaround: Open up the settings of the NPC (the cog wheel at the top right) and find the "Spellcasting NPC" field, which should be checked. Change the adjacent "SPELLCASTING ABILITY" field to anything else, and then back to what it was initially (in the case of the Sea Hag, "INTELLIGENCE"). This triggers some sheet worker scripts that will resolve the issue. Here's what that area looks like: If you have any further questions, feel free to respond here or email us at <a href="mailto:team@roll20.net" rel="nofollow">team@roll20.net</a>. Thanks, Jeff