Greetings. I am a long time Dungeons and Dragons player. I have played since first edition, (back in the 80s) and played for a couple decades before MMO's and real life dragged my group away from the game. I discovered roll 20 last year, and have played in a few campaigns to get the hang of this new format. This is my first attempt at DMing on roll20, so you will have to be a bit patient while I learn this aspect of the website. I'm sure it won't take long, but I am also doing everything and not using a premade module. I have decided to DM a new campaign in the Forgotten realms setting. The game will be based in Waterdeep, and adventurers will start at level 1. We will be using the players handbook for races/classes and there will be no monstrous races allowed. Game time will be every Saturday at 5pst, and will go until around 9pst, or longer if people wish. We will be using discord. Requirements! 1. Must be mature. By mature I mean do not argue over every detail. Do not try to rule lawyer me. if I make a decision, it's done. If you don't like the decision do not interrupt the game, ask to speak with me after the session is over. 2. Must not be sensitive. I will use curse words, mature language and situations in this game. This will be a game for adults. There will be blood, sex, gore, death, etc. If it can be found in an episode of game of thrones, it's fair game. Rated R, not X. 3. Most importantly, must be reliable. If you can't show up 90% of the time, this campaign is not for you. We all have real lives and I am aware and sympathetic to that, however I hate it when my time is wasted. 4. I am human. I will make mistakes. As will you. Be patient with each other. However, know your class. You should know your abilities and spells for the most part, or if confused you can ask before you use them for clarification. 5. Roleplaying is great, but not required. Some people don't feel comfortable doing it or acting out their character. I don't mind either approach. This game will be a split between 50/50 roleplaying and combat. 6. I plan to try to run the campaign as open as possible.I will however urge you in certain directions (Since I can't create an entire world if you suddenly decide to run off to chult and expect me to have a dungeon already prepared there). 7. Last but not least... i am not going to take it easy on your characters. I will play the monsters to their utmost abilities. I will try to kill your characters. Deaths will happen most likely. At low levels that might mean making a new character, at higher levels it might mean pooling your money for a raise dead spell. I am not going to play with kid gloves. If you make a mistake, you might die. If you take on an encounter too tough for you, you might die. Im sure other stuff will come up. If you want to participate in a long term campaign that isn't part of a module, and this sounds like fun for you, leave a post here with the following info. 1. character class/race you wish to play. 2. can you meet the requirement to show up on saturdays at 5pm PST to at least 9PST 3. can you communicate using discord, as in, you have a working headset and computer. 4. will you enjoy an adult oriented, rated R campaign 5. What do you want to see in the campaign. Dungeons, outdoor adventures, roleplaying, mystery solving, puzzles...etc 6. What parts of the game do you dislike the most, see above. If I get enough responses, I will have a character creation this Saturday.