Hello there, I'm Steven, I am 22 years old, and on Arizona Time or MST atm. (yeah we are weird and basically don't follow the rules of everywhere else) I have played D&D in some capacity for a few years now. I started with Pathfinder or 3.5 and have played some homebrew game types and have more recently started playing 5e but I recently moved and had to leave my play groups behind me. We are hoping to join a play group with a healthy amount of Roleplay because most of my previous games that I have been a part of were more hack-n-slash focused. Don't get me wrong combat is enjoyable but I would like to be able to Roleplay more than run in killing everything that looks at the party funny. And a session 0 would be preferable but not completely necessary. I am inexperienced as a Roleplayer due to lack of practice but I have a lot of knowledge about pathfinder and 5e and I own a couple of books for each so, I would be able to bring that knowledge to the table and assist the DM/GM and newer players if needed. My friend is relatively new to D&D in general and he only knows a little bit about 5e but is willing to learn. Feel free to message me one here if you are interested in adding me to your party You can also add me on discord: Bearhouse9#5126 Or email me at: <a href="mailto:bernheisel999@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">bernheisel999@gmail.com</a>