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Jason Jason -- understanding people? Let's see. >> 1 Insight into what happened at the DC Debacle. 2 Insight into my personal deep history. >>>> 3 Massive progress on Numina's new body, ready for Alpha Testing. A Damning Silence re DC Debacle and Vyortovia to the press. > B I say things that really piss off the directors of the Quill Foundation. So no public blowback about the connection between Quill/DC and Vyortovia. But in non-public areas, competitors and investors, and Foundation are unhappy. Amir was always better at lying than I was. I tended to be more straightforward about the burning bodies. So Jason mildly throws Dad under the bus. "Listen, Dad was happy to put bullets in foreheads into terrorists for this kind of shit. The Foundation is cool. Dad -- I can't speak for his actions here or how they are connected to the Vyortovia incursion." Lauded for his honesty and candor by the press, not so much by other parties. Plan: Flying down to Florida. With Numina ... in her new chassis. Leo Bubble of joy. Waiting for a shoe to drop of personal screwing up. But, still, a great holiday break (Otto's commentary notwithstanding). How much is Rossum's message weighing on him? Leo told Waters about it, but Waters is VERY busy. Leo intentionally pushes it aside. Talk face to face with Waters --> offstage. Trying to provoke something out of AEGIS? No. But can trust him to do something with the info. Messages back to Leo -- AEGIS does not have anything on Leo's mother, at all. But there is some Rossum-related stuff they need to talk about -- about both him and his assets. Adam Over the break doing family stuff. Parents seem to have dialed back over worry, given how he did great while all the parents were asleep. And they know somehow that Adam checked in on them. Mom has pulled up a picture from social media -- image of Concord and Ponies. "What is going on here?" Might be getting bigger when turning into Concord. Older. "I don't love this. Come here and give me a hug now." They are proud of him, and he was focused on the right things, and who are these two girls and why are they hugging you? Rebecca [Power Pony] and Nono. They were ... very happy to see me?" Nothing to sort out with dad ... at the moment. Harry What's Christmas morning at the Gale house look like, 3 days after the night of Many Rescues? Normal Rockwell? Nobody meeting each other's gaze? Certain amount from everyone that everyone wasn't involved in the Vyortovian hijinks. Dad: "I know what we did seems horrible. At the time ... science, politics, international relationships ... it seemed better to keep people from panicking. I didn't expect it to go on as long as it did. And some people took advantage of it, affecting your team mates. The decision seemed simpler two years ago." But willing to answer questions. Being honest is the only move he has. How much it's affected Harry's team mates -- didn't think about how it might affect, or the Hecate might be doing something specific, She had her arguments, but everyone thinks she had deeper reasons and things she was doing. Mom has been on the phone a lot. Leo News headlines coming out about Vyortovia. AEGIS has been pretty quiet. Goes over to the Quill compound to see how Numina is doing. Things have happened .  So Jason has been helping work on Numina's new shell / physical instantiation. Hovering assassinbot with gun mounts substituted with hard light projectors. She has tactile feedback as a priority over feet that touch the ground. So as Leo comes in, Numina is fiddling with shifting her clothes, but she has no legs. Jason seems to be channeling his Charlotte fixation ... ... and Leo ... "What the fuck is this?" Numina blushes. "Jason is helping me with my body." "Oh, is he?" Jason is kind of oblivious, spark-deep into the cool stuff he's done. Li'lycia is there. She makes eye contact with Jason, rolls eyes, looks over at Link. Pay attention -- Leo: "Jason come here for a second." "Um ... sure ..." Pneuma winces, then rubs the bridge of her nose. Conference room. Asks Pneuma to come along. Leaving Numina ... behind ...? "Jason,  this is the part where I threaten your life ." What are your intentions? I don't know if it's any of your business. Numina is amazing, smart, friendly, wise, clever. Any normal person would fall for her immediately. She's ... Yes. She's alkso vulnerable. If you hurt her, you will lose her.  So I will just say ... be careful, good luck. Do what you can. The risks are high. Jason is finally flustered. And standing next to Link is Li'lycia, arms crossed, Dwayne Johnson eyebrow raised. Leo pats Jason on the back, goes back to the lab. Pneuma is still kind of gobsmacked (?) Walks back in the lab. Leo says, "I think you look great." "Look what I can do with my hair." Pneuma. "If it's any consolation, I have trouble keeping up, too." Jason glancing back and forth between her and empty air / Li'lycia. "Is there someone else there?" Jason realize, this is a  perfect moment . Numina is talking about tech. Jason comes in, confesses about compromise. Memories, buffers, nanobots, Li'lycia. (Li'lycia is on a bench looking pointedly sweet and innocent.) Leo: Actually, Numina is a great person to talk with you about this. Numina and Pneuma both nod. Leo: Jason, you're real weird, but that's part of what makes you awesome. Still hate your dad. Jason: Comment critical about Dad. Li'lycuia flickers out, and reappears looking ... a memory of her looking straight into my eyes. "The next time we see your Dad, I'm so going to kick his ass," Then flickers back. Leo: Swear to me you won't have Numina dress up like Alycia. Jason looks horrified at (a) the suggestion, (b) the prospect of never being able to not visualize this again. Numina whacks him on the shoulder. Don't move away. Buidling another body. Numina is always into more bodies. Leo will watch him. Part of the team. Just afraid of leading the team in a way that's compromised. Leo: Sometimes doing the wrong thing is better than nothing. Harry Folks are out and away. Lots of HHL meetings going on. The whole "They can't protect us" thing is happening to some extent, but it has been two years. HHL coming under some heat over inability to explain -- premiere supergroup, big names. So kind of nice that 'rents aren't around very much. Casual texting with A10. Uncle Chase as the mentor of  That Other Team is kind of ... weird. Texting, rather than phone calling. A10 has been pretty excited over the attention paid over the stuff she and her team did with the Fimbulwinter. But that drops off mid-week. Something has her down or frustrated. Harry basically asks [Pierce the Mask]: What do you want me to do? Uncle was coaching them, thought did really well, so ... that means it's time to step and be a public team, but Chase doesn't think we're """"" ready """". We could be doing stuff, and he doesn't want us to. Could you --? Harry offers to go to talk to Chase. Harry ... Dinner with Chase over is horrible and awkward. Parents preoccupied. Dad watching CSPAN. Leo is there and a reminder that he's thinking of moving out. Mom's annoyed about the TV. Pneuma is there, for a change. Chase -- admires the stuff that Menagerie did, plan, leadership, etc. Kind of surprised that kids like Stingray listened, so good leadership. ('Rents are still kind of upset, distracted and/or tight-lipped.) After dinner, walking to the door. Mentions the A-Team. Chase glances making it clear that it's kind of a secret. Harry plays up the job they did, handled selves well, great team. "I think they will be." Chase: Individuals good/okay/great, but not so much as a team, more inspired by the Menagerie. Oh, and he clearly really hates the "Menagerie" name. Playing it safe than sorry. Need a plan before you run in. "Wouldn't you agree?" "They asked me for the help, so I take that responsibility. And, honestly, I'd be happy to give some advice to your team, too." Pushing labels: Superior+, Danger- ... ??? (And would mark Potential and take an advantage forward.) Instead ... rolls and tunes them out, and takes -Guilty. Cancels influence, take +1 forward. "Wouldn't it be better for them to go out there with you and make the mistakes where you can help them, rather than be stuck in a situation where you can't protect them, because you're asleep." Fine -- offers to get uniform and lead in the field, but wants to see the Menagerie in action, because half the time it looks like you just stumble into a win. So, if you agree to a test ... Deal. (Influence over Chase, because he overreacted.) Adam Week into the break ... email from the school, damage to the building, so South is breaking out into other new schools. Times for going to pick up your stuff from the lockers. Dad offers to drive him over (good fit to 4 10s). Adam is going over to Gardiner Academy. Family is kind of excited. Dad isn't enthused -- money problem frown. Concern and worry. Driving in the car. Quiet. Sol: Your father is upset about this transfer. Why? Adam ... finally asks. Very proud of you. You're doing really great things. I wasn't an A student. Unsure about you jumping ahead; had a lot of meetings with asst principal (a surprise). Bothers me the stuff you have on your shoulders, and not stuff I can carry for your, which I'm supposed to. Just ... trying to keep up. (Not a guy to open up. Wizard's curtain stays up.) Adam gives a message back of ... something that Mom and Dad say to each other all the time. And he does the blink of surprise. Maybe not surprise, but needing to blink really fast. And a kinda hug-kiss. Thanks, that helps. School. "I got thrown through that wall. A couple of weeks ago." Damage wasn't just Yule guys, but also the Vyortovian guys, which is one of the only places that was true. Adam ... Ep. 10 ... Farlander talking about Keynomes at school. Sol now can give him basics ... keystones of the universe, power and influence over reality. Looking for one here? Sol considers it noteworthy.. Sense something here, somewhere, deep, under the school ... kind of at the center of the whole city. Sort of like a Hellmouth. Leo PowerPony sends a message to Leo: GG left a note for you. Leo pulls up in costume. It's for everybody, but I don';t have contact information for everyone ... yet. Also, AMA, next week, it's happening. "I spotted something worrisome. I'm going to pop over the Sepiaverse to make sure everything's okay." (GG Clears Insecure.) Jason Piles onto a Quill charter jet, with Numina (alpha test!), down to Florida where Amir is. Wrap-Up Harry: Own image. Leo: Closer (to Jason) -- +Danger, -Freak Jason: Closer (to Numina) -- uncheck Angry. +Mundane, -Freak Adam: Own image. Next week ... TEAM HIJINKS!
I have to say, "Jason on a jet, flying to Florida to confront his adoptive brother Amir, with Numina long with, with the intent that he will end up hallooing in to the Sepiaverse after the missing Ghost Girl" is both wonderfully fraught and delightfully terrifying to anticipate.
Bill G.
Sheet Author
I thought Jason's "it's none of your business" reaction was immediate and authentic. Leo's privately very unhappy with the situation, but he recognizes that Jason is right - it's not - and he's going to struggle to let Numina make her own decisions (and what he sees as her own mistakes). He does NOT think Jason is a bad match for her. He's mostly worried that Jason's continuing obsession with Alycia will not make for any kind of healthy relationship at this time. I strongly suspect Numina agrees (above and beyond her existing relationship doubts), but almost all the advice she gave Jason is also true of her own life. She's going to new places and doing new things to break her own program, and that includes jetsetting with Jason to Florida, and perhaps the Sepiaverse, and who knows where else.
Jason's reaction was as authentically alpha dog rivalry as I could make it -- which Leo immediately judoed into a supportive warning. Leo's reaction beyond that was noble and laudable and completely against trope. I hope it pays off for him. It has to be tough for him (and Pneuma, and him-and-Pneuma) to deal with both Numina as part of them and  as separate from them. Dave-as-player has the same concerns about Jason, in terms of his clear internal conflicts. I'm as interested as anyone else how that all plays out (even within the context of stuff I have planned for Jason). Anything Jason does that might hurt Numina will be utterly not something he wants to do. That said, "if wishes were fishes," and that doesn't mean that Jason won't end up with a bucket full of deep regret when all is said and done. Indeed, given his personality, it's hard to believe that his fate (and that of those around him) won't be touched in that way.
Bill G.
Sheet Author
Reason I suggested team training for next week, and stuff I'd love to see: I'm excited by Mercury's rocky dynamic with his family in light of the HHL's role in Vyortovia. I want to see where that goes. It feels like Harry has a big chance to define himself in his parents' eyes. Having us train with That Other Team might give Mercury more sway with the family, let them see he's stepping up as a leader. Uncle Chase certainly needs to be won over, and this might help bring Streak back too. I'm always happy with Harry's interactions with A10 (not even shipping here, just in general), because I see them as kind of similar characters now - people who carry a family burden. Mike and I talked about Concord, his family, Sol, and their relationship. I felt like having his dad being involved with Adam's power development would be good for them both, and after the conversation today I feel like it'd give his dad a much needed parental/influential role in his life again. It's also a great chance for us to learn how to cooperate with HCPD better. It feels like Sol is more and more a thing, but Adam's the only PC who has interacted much with him. So: The suggestion is that Sol energize a training arena (per Mike), and that Sgt. Amari be the guy to design a training regimen (in whole or in part). If Uncle Chase comes along to watch That Other Team, those two adults would presumably share training planning. The rest of us would practice our powers, do some sparring, try out simulated situations, whatever. If Mike or Katherine aren't interested in this, we should do something else. If anyone has suggestions for how to do it differently, we'll change it.
Bill G.
Sheet Author
I added a Keynome Recovery card to Trello.
Just floating this as the interaction between Adam's mom and dad that was referenced last game. Mom : Stay safe.  And keep the peace. Dad : I'll do my part. This would make what Adam said to his dad in the car-- Adam : I'll do my part to stay safe and still keep the peace. I don't know if I 100% love that as the exact setup, but it feels better than what I came up with at the spur of the moment.  Besides, I'm sure one of you wordsmiths will twist that into something meaningful. Bill G. said: Reason I suggested team training for next week, and stuff I'd love to see: <clipped> I'm all for this. For Nassir's involvement, I almost imagine there being this scene like the one from the Incredibles where Bob explains all the obscure bureaucracy of the insurance company, except it's Nassir explaining the exact request to the HCPD (most likely from Link) for them to assign specifically him as a liaison for this training session while also keeping Adam's identity secret and not naming him by name.  I'm sure Nassir's interaction with Jason (regardless of how negative at the time it was) likely puts him high on the list if requesting someone "used to dealing with our team." I also thought this was also a good time to put some "implied off-screen training" to work and Adam to say somewhere at the beginning, "On sec, we trained this over the holiday break..." and then manifest an energy construct for Solaris to use as a "body." (Most likely the floating ball of fire with his emblem on it that I've been using in pictures.  I've been imagining it somewhere between softball and basketball sized and pulsing with light when it speaks.)  I think we might have talked about this at some point, but just wanted to make sure it still fit the setup. (Again, somewhere between amused and horrified about Uncle Chase, Nassir, and Solaris all interacting with one another.  What odd interact is this going to spawn?  Superhero.  Normal human.  Total alien.  All of them very certain of themselves in their own domain, but this most certainly going to be outside that comfort zone.)

Edited 1516718175
Bill G.
Sheet Author
I'd pictured his involvement as unofficial, the way other dads coach little league or the like, but it makes good sense to ask for him officially and I'm happy to play it that way
Bill G. said: I'd pictured his involvement as unofficial, the way other dads coach little league or the like, but it makes good sense to ask for him officially and I'm happy to play it that way Oh man, I can just imagine that being worse.  There in an official observer capacity and then trying to get involved in backseat coaching.
And by worse, I mean more entertaining as a player.  Which is to say, I love that idea.
Bill G.
Sheet Author
Mike said: I've been imagining it somewhere between softball and basketball sized and pulsing with light when it speaks.)  I think we might have talked about this at some point, but just wanted to make sure it still fit the setup. "Coaching little league" and this just came together to give me Sol, as a softball-sized floating ball of energy, wearing an appropriately scaled Menagerie ball cap. And not having any idea why, the other two supervisors were doing it so When In Rome. I think "outside their comfort zone" is kind of how we roll as a team where adults are concerned, so NBD. But maybe having an actual cop on the field will make Uncle Chase take our efforts more seriously as well, and lighten up on A10 & co a little.
Also, just putting this out there but have we specifically said what Uncle Comet's powers are?  I know he's part of the Gale Legacy, but for some reason I just imagine him being a Cannonball-style flyer/low-end speedster instead a standard speedster like Silver Streak and Mercury.  I think part of it is the name and how he acts makes me imagine he was the Bull of his generation. Just some fun thoughts for K and Doyce to mull over.
Bill G.
Sheet Author
K already came up with this:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> From the description it sounded to me like he has the power, just lacked the drive to be a full time hero.
Ahh, that's what I get for not checking the wiki. Reading that helps Chase's character take shape in my mind.&nbsp; Also makes his interaction with Mercury and how he's handling the Other Team make a lot more sense in retrospect.

Edited 1516724683
Sheet Author
Mike said: Also, just putting this out there but have we specifically said what Uncle Comet's powers are?&nbsp; I know he's part of the Gale Legacy, but for some reason I just imagine him being a Cannonball-style flyer/low-end speedster instead a standard speedster like Silver Streak and Mercury.&nbsp; I think part of it is the name and how he acts makes me imagine he was the Bull of his generation. Just some fun thoughts for K and Doyce to mull over. I want to respect what we have down from K in the wiki, but I think we can also incorporate some element of what Mike's talking about. Comet is both faster and slower than Harry's dad.&nbsp; In a straight up footrace through complex terrain, Streak's probably going to win most of the time (it's roughly the difference between Barry and Wally in Young Justice, except it's not that Chase can't go faster, it's just he kind of gets too charged up and can't maneuver. This is no way made him less useful as a mask; the name Comet is totally accurate because Chase is, in the words of one movie dwarf, "very dangerous over short distances." <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - he can basically super-charge and ... well, just look at the video. The fact that his "charge" impacts are somewhat area-effect, and can't always be aimed well did, however, have some grave consequences, and contributed (in part) to Chase's "measure twice, then measure again, then get someone else to check your numbers, measure one more time, then, maybe, finally, cut" approach. (The other side is just that he prefers to teach than being out in the field.)

Edited 1516725002
Sheet Author
Side note: Comet's abilities sound like a ton of fun and now I have another mask I want to play. :P
Sheet Author
Side note: does look like the Discord servers were having problems last night: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - wasn't just us.
Doyce T. said: Side note: does look like the Discord servers were having problems last night: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - wasn't just us. Yay third-party issues! Luckily we made it through with only minimal issues.
Doyce T. said: Side note: does look like the Discord servers were having problems last night: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - wasn't just us. I blame Li'lycia. She uses a lot &nbsp;of bandwidth.
Doyce T. said: Comet is both faster and slower than Harry's dad.&nbsp; In a straight up footrace through complex terrain, Streak's probably going to win most of the time (it's roughly the difference between Barry and Wally in Young Justice, except it's not that Chase can't go faster, it's just he kind of gets too charged up and can't maneuver. This is no way made him less useful as a mask; the name Comet is totally accurate because Chase is, in the words of one movie dwarf, "very dangerous over short distances." <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - he can basically super-charge and ... well, just look at the video. The fact that his "charge" impacts are somewhat area-effect, and can't always be aimed well did, however, have some grave consequences, and contributed (in part) to Chase's "measure twice, then measure again, then get someone else to check your numbers, measure one more time, then, maybe, finally, cut" approach. (The other side is just that he prefers to teach than being out in the field.) As someone who played a rocket fireball in Mass Effect 2 and on, I both approve of and am giddy of this power set and characterization.
Sheet Author
Mike said: As someone who played a rocket fireball in Mass Effect 2 and on, I both approve of and am giddy of this power set and characterization. I've got one of each character class from ME2. All on Insanity-level difficulty. The vanguard was my renegade play-through. It was... challenging. But the biotic charge made it worth it.
Doyce T. said: Mike said: As someone who played a rocket fireball in Mass Effect 2 and on, I both approve of and am giddy of this power set and characterization. I've got one of each character class from ME2. All on Insanity-level difficulty. The vanguard was my renegade play-through. It was... challenging. But the biotic charge made it worth it. Not to get too off-topic, but: Vanguard.&nbsp; Max out refresh time on Biotic Charge and get the upgrade to refresh your shields.&nbsp; Max out damage for Nova.&nbsp; Get minimized weight (for bonus power refresh time) on a Crusader shotgun and maybe get the scope addon (depends on your screen size and eyesight).&nbsp; Max out shields in talent selection.&nbsp; Forget everything else.&nbsp; Press 1 (Biotic charge, recharge shields) and 2 (Nova, burn shields) ad finitum and occasionally shoot your gun at targets outside the range of your Biotic charge (since we're using the Crusader, which is essentially a sniper rifle that fires shotgun slugs but at a much lower weight than a normal sniper).&nbsp; Murder everything.&nbsp; On the insta-kill bosses in ME3, learn to backroll immediately after a nova and then Biotic charge someone else.&nbsp; Even in Andromeda, this killed everything up to the technodragons. It's high-risk/high-reward for sure, but why else would you play video games? :P
Bill G.
Sheet Author
Leo and Pneuma are laying next to each other in the dark. Leo is fiddling with his phone, and Pneuma watches, idly sucking on a breath mint. Finally she breaks the silence. "You could have warned me what you were planning with Jason." Leo blinks, glances over. "You assume I planned something? I just popped off like usual." "No you didn't," Pneuma protests, with a soft punch to the shoulder. "That sounded too polished. You went in there like a prize fighter and roped a dope." "You finally admit Jason's a dope?" grins Leo. "Where love is concerned, I think that's a bit obvious," the girl concedes. "But he's really sweet. Like you told me, earnest. If I didn't have you..." "You do have me," Leo says with a smile. There's now only a bit of concern in his voice. "I do have you," she agrees. "And if Numina is anything like me, and if Jason can stop hemorrhaging angst, I think they'd be really cute together.&nbsp;Maybe Numina will be just what Jason needs, even if they don't get together. And.." "What?" Leo asks, finally filling the sudden silence. "Why do you love me, Leo?" Her voice is soft, almost pleading. "Because.. I dunno, because you're perfect. You got it all. I've thought about this a long time. I love you, not just any girl who'll be nice to me. Otto tried to throw the Ponies at me, some girls at the upcoming convention, uh.. anyway, just none of that had any interest for me. Why do puzzle pieces fit together?" "Because they were made to," Pneuma whispers quietly. "Yeah." This is getting into maudlin territory, and Leo thinks a moment. "Yeah, that's exactly right. Both pieces. I love you because I was made to love you. My life was shaped, just like yours. Other people made me into something. But that means no other man could love you the way I do. Like Otto's decided he's gonna be the most heroic car of all time, I'm gonna be the guy that loves Aria Newman the best." She beams. This was apparently the right answer. "That's why I changed my mind," she confesses, letting the dark hide her embarrassment. "You love me and you didn't question why, you just wanted to. I like that. You've become more thoughtful lately. Maybe I wanted to be more impulsive. Just punch it, you know? I love you too, Leo Snow, and I don't care why. If there's a greater power, I like to think it made us both to be together. Even if assembling this particular puzzle has been frustrating." He kisses her, long and thoroughly. "Hey!" she protests when he pulls away. "Give me back my breath mint." And so he does.
I love this.&nbsp;
I like the whole idea white Chase's powers. All cool stuff.&nbsp;
Bill G.
Sheet Author
I took what was here and put it on the wiki, please edit as needed.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1516827862
Sheet Author
I finally found the gesture Numina gave Leo after he pulled everyone out of the room to talk to Jason.

Edited 1516828241
Bill G.
Sheet Author
Leo can hopefully be forgiven after he paid attention to her at last and was hopefully very gracious and kind about it, but he was also hurting pretty bad and talking to her immediately would not have gone well. On reflection, he thinks almost blowing up at Jason was better than almost blowing up at her. So basically...
Sheet Author
Perfect. :)
All told, it was a situation that could have ended far worse than it did, in several different directions, and it was Leo who kept that from happening. So bravo for that.
Bill G.
Sheet Author
*** Dave H. said: All told, it was a situation that could have ended far worse than it did, in several different directions, and it was Leo who kept that from happening. So bravo for that. From now on, we're gonna have deep and important conversations about these relationship dynamics using nothing but Obama memes. Because of the relationship angle, I'm also opening the floor to Biden.
To the extent that Jason blurts out goofy things now and again, including Biden seems a critical component.