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GM Stat Sheet

What if there were a sheet for the GM dedicated to keeping track of specific player stats? Like their names current HP, AC, Passive Perception, etc. It would integrate with the current 5e character sheets and track specific stats. It would make it easier and not have to keep more tabs open. Example:
You could make a macro that would be able to handle this for you.
Kyle G. said: You could make a macro that would be able to handle this for you. How so? The most I've been able to code is a few spells and even then I needed a template.
&{template:default} {{name=GM Stat Sheet}} {{ Character | Player = Armor Class | HP | Initiative | Melee | Level }} {{ @{C1|character_name} | P1 = @{C1|ARMOR_CLASS} | @{C1|HP} | @{C1|INITIATIVE} | @{C1|MELEE} | @{C1|LEVEL} }} {{ @{C2|character_name} | P2 = @{C2|ARMOR_CLASS} | @{C2|HP} | @{C2|INITIATIVE} | @{C2|MELEE} | @{C2|LEVEL} }} Without the API it will not align everything vertically, but it will accomplish what you want. You could even make this a character ability on a GM (although I would change the name to something like ALL) character to make it simpler
What is C1 and C2? How do I use them?

Edited 1516863188
Sheet Author
I think you just swap C1, C2, C3, etc. for your character's names.  Kyle's example is just a template.  You 'll have to use the actual attribute names for the sheet you are using as well.
he could also change c1 to selected and and click on that person token  to grab stats as long as that token is tied into that charactor
there is a thread called how do i do this that uses the turn tracker to produce a similar effect just takes a few extra steps to fiqure it out 
Sheet Author
API Scripter
joshscorcher said: What if there were a sheet for the GM dedicated to keeping track of specific player stats?  There is a complicated workaround method to do exactly this. The Genesys RPG sheet/API script (which was built from the FFG Star Wars: API Compatible sheet) has a GM sheet that is only seen by the GM has a totally different layout than the Player/generic sheet and can pull in stats from other sheets. It uses a section of HTML to pull "is the person a GM or a Player". It then has a section of HTML that defines the Player viewed sections and GM viewed sections. It uses the API Script to pull stats from the Player/generic sheets. While it is more complicated than the other methods listed in this thread, it also accomplishes the initial request of a GM Sheet within the context of what is possible on this platform.
Marketplace Creator
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