(All spots have been filled, thank you for your consideration) Hello everyone, We currently have 2 spots available for our campaign into the horrible and unspoken horrors that i have prepared. This is a mature rpg for 18+, you will require a microphone to join our sessions. If you are interested, send me a private message with any clarification you are looking for as well as what kind of character would you consider making. The game is an open based world based on warhammer and darkest dungeon. All races are available, books up to unearthed arcana. We use Discord for information, announcements and posts. We use Skype for game communications because of its reliability and lack of communication issues. I will provide you with our contact information in private once you have been selected. The game is a premade world were players are able to explore, travel and construct what ever they may desire. It grows and changes depensing on character desicions. The world carries horrors unknown and unspoken that will not stop until their goals are achieved. The players are part of a group of allies that try to protect themselves from a gruesome ending while trying to stop the evergrowing evils that spawns the land with nightmares. In this campaing, your characters will have to face heart breaking decisions, gory battles and never seen before monsters. Your characters will die if you are not careful, you can always create another character if it happens. I will leave you all with a small intro to our game and a link to the listings, please make your character application on the correct tread. Hope to see you on the battlefield. This is a home brew game, it's races, world and fluff are
based of the war hammer fantasy universe ( see link for info on races),
they are changed in order to fit the player experience and story for the
player enjoyment. We changed to use DnD 5 e now, its a friendly system
and the group welcomes new players.
We plan on Saturdays at 6 pm and we appreciate punctuality. Sessions require voice, but not camera.
( <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Races_and_nations_of_Warhammer_Fantasy" rel="nofollow">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Races_and_nations_of_Warhammer_Fantasy</a> )
Within the realms protected by the hand of the all mighty
Sigmar, peace on the dim light of war dares to continue existing. Inside
the darkest pits, dark gods in an eternal war against each other, they
have grown tired of their game and start a new one. Undisturbed and
breeding into a zest spawn of darkness and corruption. They who have not
been named, they who are running inside the shadows, crevices and
walls, they grow undisturbed by the light.They have finally hunger for
those above.
And they...who have slept for millennia and have fallen into the spreading corruption...They have awoken. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/41663/the-empire-everdark-pits" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/41663/the-empire-everdark-pits</a>