If you don't mind, I'll give you a review of it directly from it as I understand quite a bit of game balance having created some systems myself. You often don't need to play test things, you can get a grip for what it can do just by calmly analising it's abillities and possible combos. Let's start with each individual ability: Pact of Omni-War: I feel you probably don't want to limit this to just a few weapons and allow the opportunity to create any type of weapon user going from any melee weapon to any ranged weapon. At the end of the day it's doubtful it will ever beat a sorlock for power anyway. Other than that, seems balanced, using Cha as the attack stat should be allowed for any weapon pact warlocks anyway since it's a bad idea to make the player decide between getting a good Cha or a good Dex or a good Str. Class specific eldritch invocations: POE's Lightning - I feel this is actually pretty weak and considering it's a pre-req for some other eldritch invocations it just feels as a forced wasted EI. This should probably be worked into Pact of Omni-War. POE's Water - Mixed feelings about this one. Usually the kind of damage given tends to be either 1/2 or 1/4 but they also tend to be available on every attack. Considering that This beneficts the most from not multiclassing I'd do it 1/2 damage but on every attack, that opens a few options for a polearms master with 3 attack doing extra damage on every attack to be at least slightly competitive where damage is concerned. POE's Air - Doesn't seems very good, the circunstances where that would be helpful would be incredibly small. Pretty sure few people would ever pick this. That said there are plenty of EI in the PHB that are useless too, however when I look at homebrew I expect everything to be more properly balanced in the sense that everything is pretty useful or if they are situational, the situations are not super rare and when they arise it's pretty powerful. A good example of something situational is a silence spell. It's only good against casters but when you use it, it's is incredibly powerful. POE's Depression - Again not useful. The only use for a decanter of endless water is if you ant to cheat things by flooding entire dungeons and drown everything inside so you don't have to fight them and such. POE's Rage - It's quite decent, getting an attack as a bonus action is nothing to sniff at, however you already have polearms master to give you that and you usually have use for your bonus action as a warlock anyways since your hex tends to be swaped around often enough. It's good enough if you really want a greatsword or something otherwise not worth it. It's good as an optional EI depending on your build. POE's fear of failure - Some archtypes have done this in some way, half orc does it by default but here's the thing you have to remember about this. Everytime you give something that happens when you go to 0 HP, you are giving an ability that bets on you losing! Betting on losing is never a good thing and you want something that is far more useful. POE's Corruption - Situational at best. How many times is something going to be as such low HP that you can use this? At the same time, it's an instant guaranteed kill which needs no rolls of any kind and gives no chance to the enemy to survive it and that is too powerful even if it can only be used on very low HP enemies. Don't take this as the negatives balancing the positives. It literaly is bad because it's too situational and it's bad because it's absurdly powerful when you cna actually use it. It needs a redesign to be usable more often and to give a save to the enemy. POE's Scar - Not a good EI in all honesty. To start with, the create/signature moves are not good (More as I analise them) and also the exchange rate is pretty dreadful too. There also shouldn't be much of a need for recovery of these abilities because you get more than enough Drive points so you shouldn't run out easily. The only use for it is refuleling the Augment but again, the trade rates are pretty poor and you gain enough drive points as it is anyway. Create: First I'll start by saying, creating objects is not that useful, if it was there are wizard that do that and there is a reason why no one picks them. As a damage dealing ability is pretty weak so it's not even worth using that over casting a spell or straight up attacking. Lastly as resource for the signature moves is not great as the signature moves aren't good enough. POE Signature Moves: Dead Light Cannon - Probably calling this "gravity well" would give a more accurate idea of what it is meant to do. Now the damage it does is insignificant, that being there or not is the same thing. As for the pulling abillity, the usefulness of it is pretty low. That would be nice if you can force an enemy off a cliff or into a pit fall trap of some kind, it has no other use and the number of situations you'll find yourself that this can be of use can range anywhere from 0 to practically 0 in a campaign... Cool looking, but not useful. Siren's Suffocation - It doesn't does what you expect to, it just blinds and deafens, there are already spells to do this so this is very redundant. The only way to balance this is to make it last only 1 minute and make it not have a saving throw to remove the effect (only save against it when it's first cast). Otherwise it doesn't offers anything worth thinking about. Abysmal Anchor - Teorically interesting, mechanically, not so much. 1 turn stuns are a thing of the Monk class. They go in and stun enemies for 1 round and do that over and over again. That's what a monk is, a stun bot. This is worse because there are extra immunities against it and you cna only do it once where monks do 3 attacks, each of them a possible stun. Drowning Derilict - First I must start by saying. Great job on going with tentacles. I'm always up for some tentacle action. However mechanically this is a mess. Starting with, there is no need for 1 hour. I'd be surprised if anyone would even be grappled for 1 minute so you probavbly want to limit it to that. Second, target that get grappled, are grappled, theyt don't save against it, that's not how mechanics works. Also when you say that a target can save against it again on it's own turn you must specify if it is at the begining or at the end of the turn. Lastly the way grappling works with spells is. if they fail the save they are grappled. Then if they want to get free on their turn they can try to get free the same way any character gets free of a grapple, by roilling an athletics or acrobatics against the save DC. All in all, grappling is not very useful especially when enemies get a save and get more atempts to get free. It may buy time if you need to run but how many times do you need to run away in D&D? Augment: This one feels almost on point. Almost the idea to spend drive points to get resistance against everything for 1 round, pretty great. In fact you should change the bonus to resistance rather than halving damage just so it doesn't stacks with resistance which would be too powerful. Either that or make it only work against a single hit in which case halving rather than resistance is balanced. Other than that you just need to reword to be "Your AC = 10 + Dex + Con", that way you already kick out the option of using unarmoured defenses and whatnot. You probably don't want to limit the use of shields, if anything you should give this class shield proficiency to balance it. Black Knight Armor: Short duration but good bonus. Overall it feels balanced as it is, however I'd probably make it weaker and make it usable more often. One use abilities tend to be more useful in the damage dealing capacity rather than the protection capacity. Limbo Lighthouse: Honestely I fail to see the point of this ability. You cast a teleport that costs a fortune in Drive points. The problem is not paying the points since you'll probably be able to take a long rest after it, but that you have to specifically leave so many points sitting idle for it. Teleporting should be safe by default or not done at all too, you'll find that is how most casters operate with teleportations spells. If it's not safe then they don't even pick it up. Last, this kind of teleport is again a run away ability for the most part. Don't bet on losing. All in all, as it is, this is no better than other warlocks. It doesn't gains anything that makes you really want to play it and warlocks are already a pretty weak class. By themselves they are not able to tank, their damage is subpar and their magic is so limited that it's not useful enough. Warlocks are only good as the Sorlock variant where they just turns into an eldritch blast machinegun. As a multiclass option their use is extremely limited. I can only see taking 6 levels of it to get the augment option and really, only for the damage reduction since just using shield + plate is better than heavily investing into stats which tends to be impossible unless you rolled for stats and managed to get a god roll with like 3x 18s. Even then as a tanking bonus, it takes 6 entire levels just to gain a small bonus so it's not really worth it to invest so heavily into tanking because even tanks need to pull their weight in combat and do some damage. I will give you couple tips for further creating archtypes for classes that are based around doing melee/ranged damage (so not spellcaster based). The very first thing you want is to think, what is the average damage this character will do per round at level 20? If it deals around 40 then it's a tank class. If it's around 60 it's a damage dealer, if it deals around 80 it's a very powerful damage dealer on the level of a sorlock. Any lower or higher it's a bad class that is not very useful. On the 40 end you want to add defensive abilities and burst like abilities, kinda the way a paladin works. If it's on the 60 you want small burst abilities, like the fighter gets action surge for example but you want the burst to come only after level 5 since you don't want multiclassing into it to be easy and fast and allow overpowered characters with easy multiclassing. If you are on the 80 end then you don't want to add defensive or burst abilities. You add some utility that is used at the expense of not attacking, however amke sure the utility is indeed useful in lots of situations. Hope this helps.