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War Efforts


Edited 1528675505
KS Backer
( Unspent BP as of June 10 2018 : 5 BP) Based on the general consensus among players, the Ghost of Fallen Stars campaign will see two things as major objectives: Torch's independence from Starfall's control and the overthrow of the Technic League. For this reason, the next adventures will deal with amassing the necessary resources for these objectives. These efforts will then conclude in a planned war on Starfall and the headquarters of the Technic League. The war will be played according to different rules in a sort of 'mini game'. This forum topic is for discussing the rules, ideas, and tasks for the preparatory adventures and war game. This initial post shall establish the general considerations and first ideas. Players then discuss ideas already proposed or bring new ideas to the game, for consideration. I will also update this topic to add new resources and units that the PCs acquire. I. Wargame Rules The war that the PCs want to wage on the Technic League will be played as a 'mini-game' with special rules. The focus is to manage war units and resources (that they obtained in preliminary adventures) and make tactical decisions in a representation of the war with a different space and time scale. The rules of the war 'mini-game', the goals, the units to be managed, and the resources that can be acquired are detailed in the following document [[insert document; coming soon]]. Players are advised to read that document to know what they can have and do. II. Significant Consequences of Failure The challenges in this war game will have significant consequences if failed (conditions of failure are established in the above document). The objectives of emancipating Torch from Starfall, or the overthrow of the Technic League, might fail to be achieved. Partial recovery from these failures is possible, but the campaign won't end in the same way as if the PCs succeed. III. Increasing Revenue During session 26, when the plans for this war were initially discussed, several ideas were set to increase the resources (particularly money) for the war. These monetary resources will be represented by Build Points (BP), described in the above document. So, revenue obtained from the below ideas will consist, rules-wise, of such Build Points, which the players can use for the wargame. The initial ideas (and not the only ones) for increasing revenue are: Selling Torch's blacksmithing products in Chesed : for this, trade caravans and deals need to be made. They don't need to be in secret, since the Technic League doesn't forbid regular commerce (as long as it receives taxes). Rent Torch's flame : Very similar to the above idea, Torch can rent the flame to other cities for crafting their own goods. Selling Torch's starship items : Torch and the PCs can also sell items salvaged from the starship below Torch (called the 'Nebula'). This trade goal does requires secrecy as the League forbids selling advanced technology. Secret trade deals and secret trade routes need to be established with trusted partners. For now, Hajoth Hakados seems to be the ideal place since it is a trade hub and the Technic League is not welcomed to do business there. Stop paying taxes to Starfall : By stopping this, Torch can recover some revenue, but this increases the chances of Starfall sending hostile forces to Torch. Assaulting a convoy : Technic League convoys regularly travel Numeria, carrying goods and collected taxes. Assaulting one will bring resources. A related idea that was suggested is to take advantage of one of such convoys to fake the PCs' deaths and try to collect the bounty that the PCs have on their heads. Note that assaulting a convoy increases the chances of Starfall sending hostile forces to Torch. Anything else the PCs can invent. IV. Improvements to Torch Another thing that was discussed was to make improvements to Torch, to prepare it as the base of the rebellion army as well as increase its defenses. Below are some initial ideas, along with a cost in Build Points (BPs; see the previous section for an overview of BPs) and some benefits that each improvement or idea can bring. Build Walls : Several short walls can be built around the edge of the hill where Torch sits. And a big reinforced gate can be placed at the main entrance. This would allow the citizens to better defend the town. There are five sections of walls that need to be built to completely surround Torch with walls: one section to the north, two to the east, one south, one west. Cost:  30 BP for each section (5 sections in total). Benefit: It would be much harder for enemies to enter Torch. They will first need to break a section of wall (unless they have a way to circumvent it such as flying). Repairs Buildings : Some buildings are still damaged from the earthquake that happened on Calistril 22. Repairing them can boost the productivity of the town. Cost: 20 BP overall of all repairs that need to be done. Benefit: Costs of other improvements decrease by 5 BP. Also, their time take 75% of the normal time (except for importing Alkenstar Cannons). Import Cannons From Alkenstar : Should time allows, they can negotiate a shipment of Alkenstar cannons for mounting atop the walls and the gate. This, however, will require more resources (they should have completed at least two of the revenue enterprises outlined above). Also, this requires plenty of time: there are 2,640 miles to traverse from Alkenstar to Numeria, and a ship with the cannons can take nearly 2 months to arrive (plus the negotiations and purchase can take 1 month). So in total, this can take 3 months. Cost: 20 BP for each set of cannons. As many as 10 sets can be put around the city. Benefit: Cannons are good at firing from a distance at other enemies. Other Services and Buildings : Perhaps the PCs can build other things for the city, like an entertainment center, a military or magic academy, a big library, improvements to their Silverdisk Hall headquarters, etc. Cost: Varies (to be discussed with GM) Benefit: Varies (to be discussed with GM) Anything else the PCs can invent. For example, Gorim said he can start training more people in crafting and fighting.
(On March 20, 2018, the players spent these points): 100 BP given by Torch (from a few revenue sources). Spent: -20 to  Repairs Buildings -25 north wall section (-5 BP due to building repairs) -25 south wall section (-5 BP due to building repairs) -10 for 1 unit of Torch Militia -10 for 1 unit of Ratfolk Trappers -10 for 1 unit of Steel Hawk Ambushers

Edited 1525659105
KS Backer
(On May 6, 2018, the players spent these points): 35 BP given by Torch (from a few revenue sources). Spent: -25 on the west wall section (-5 BP due to building repairs they did before)

Edited 1528675697
KS Backer
(On May 22, 2018, the players spent these points): 25 BP given by Torch (from a few revenue sources). +10 BP they already had. Spent: -25 on the east wall section (-5 BP due to building repairs they did before)

Edited 1528675670
KS Backer
(On May 29, 2018, the players spent these points): 35 BP given by Torch (from a few revenue sources). +10 BP they already had. Spent: -25 on the last east wall section (-5 BP due to building repairs they did before) -15 for a catapult unit